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I've been working on for a while to solve the bothering license plate error according to the most of vehicles when using the opcode 0674: some have both plate textes not updated at all and those who haven't this problem, leave one of these as they've been generated. This issue doesn't occure for cars with one plate though.
Anyone know something to nop or flags to change?
These were my findings.
SilentPL, I know about that. My point is where those vars will be stored if we read them by getting the label offset? I thought, they are a part of the closest thread in memory.
Method 2 and 3 make me confused. Where the game stores variables higher than 33? I believe, it goes forward to the next thread.
Method 1 is easier to understand and I guess it's the only one which works properly.
Ok, leave that question because of the unknown ways according to its resolution. I have an off-topic question instead: is there a way to attach an actor to another actor without making the coords lag visible?
Well, all values match each other but those memory addresses are read-only and they don't work even by forcing them with virtual protect set to 0. Any other ways?
Thanks for your reply, but that's exactly what I've already tried. Setting those engine sounds to -1 works only if the game hasn't loaded a vehicle yet but not whenever ingame. In addition, it doesn't disable it properly since I can still hear the reverse sound.
I need some offset to add at the current vehicle pointer to make its engine muted (like actors).
Is it possible to disable a specified car engine sound? I found out only how to do it before the game loads each vehicle defined internally, like alexander made.
Sorry Deji! I have a question too.
I was wondering: is there a way to get the screen xy from 3D coords using CLEO or by making a new opcode? It would be really useful for several purpose.
Sorry for the double post, but I think I found a workable way.
The code I've already posted is a bit incorrect for some reasons. Here is the code which works as I want but only when the player isn't in a car, because the game automatically removes the reload.
{$CLEO} 0000: NOP while true wait 0 if 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined then if 8118: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR dead then if 8449: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_a_car then gosub @NoReloadAnimFix if 0AB0: key_pressed 0x52 // R then gosub @GetCurrentSlot gosub @GetClipAmmo gosub @GetCurrentWeapon gosub @GetCurrentAmmo 0062: 3@ -= 5@ // (int) if 3@ > 0 then if 803B: not 2@ == 5@ // (int) then 000E: 0@ -= 0x04 0A8C: write_memory 0@ size 4 value 2 virtual_protect 0 gosub @GetWeapGroup 7@(6@,13i) = 0 repeat wait 0 0A8D: 10@ = read_memory 0@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 until 10@ <> 2 end end end end end end gosub @GetCurrentWeapon gosub @GetWeapGroup gosub @GetMaxClipAmmo gosub @GetCurrentSlot gosub @GetClipAmmo if 803B: not 2@ == 5@ // (int) then 0085: 7@(6@,13i) = 5@ // (int) end if and 7@(6@,13i) <> 0 803B: not 7@(6@,13i) == 5@ // (int) then 0062: 2@ -= 5@ // (int) gosub @GetCurrentAmmo 005A: 3@ += 2@ // (int) 017B: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 1@ ammo_to 3@ 0A8C: write_memory 0@ size 4 value 7@(6@,13i) virtual_protect 0 end end :NoReloadAnimFix if 80E1: not player 0 pressed_key 6 then if 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 17 then repeat wait 0 if or 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 5 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 7 then break end until 03EE: player $PLAYER_CHAR controllable end end return :GetCurrentWeapon 0470: 1@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon return :GetMaxClipAmmo 0085: 0@ = 1@ // (int) 0012: 0@ *= 0x70 000A: 0@ += 0xC8AAB8 000A: 0@ += 0x20 0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 0@ size 2 virtual_protect 0 return :GetCurrentAmmo 041A: 3@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 1@ ammo return :GetCurrentSlot 0A96: 0@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR struct 000A: 0@ += 0x718 0A8D: 4@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 0 return :GetClipAmmo 0A96: 0@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR struct 000A: 0@ += 0x5A0 4@ *= 0x1C 005A: 0@ += 4@ // (int) 000A: 0@ += 0x08 0A8D: 5@ = read_memory 0@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 return :GetWeapGroup 0782: get_weapon_with_ID 1@ weapon_group_to 6@ return
Thanks however.
Hi, there. This is my first post which I've ever made here. I was thinking if there's a way to remove the annoying auto-reload thing when CJ changes his weapon.
This is my script which reloads the current weapon by pressing "R", of course.
Hope someone can give me a solution by nopping something.
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