#1 Re: Sanny Builder и CLEO » CLEO 4 для GTA San Andreas » 06-03-2010 19:36

May I make a request for a couple opcodes on a future version? Create file and rename file opcodes.

#2 Re: Sanny Builder и CLEO » CLEO 4 для GTA San Andreas » 06-03-2010 02:58

And you happen to be in one of the supported countries it listed. Yes?

И вы оказались в одной из поддерживаемых стран в нем перечислены. Да?

#3 Re: Sanny Builder и CLEO » CLEO 4 для GTA San Andreas » 05-03-2010 20:33

Ok, can you please upload the latest version on another site? The site wont let me download it and I'm stuck with v4.0.2.34 that my friend sent me. It seems it doesn't allow downloads from the United States.

Ладно, может, пожалуйста, загрузите последнюю версию на другой сайт? Сайт обыкновение позвольте мне скачать его, и я застрял с v4.0.2.34, что мой друг прислал мне. Кажется, он не разрешить загрузку с Соединенными Штатами.

#4 GTA Modding » Help understanding 0A9D » 20-02-2010 21:45

Replies: 1

I'm trying to write a script that uses the users input using a text file and from what I got from the Sanny help files, I could use 0A9A: $hFILE = openfile "CLEO\file.txt" mode 0x72, to read it as a text file and read the integer put inside the file by the user, but it didnt work when I tested it. The way it was supposed to work is that the user is supposed to use the empty file and type a number 1-9999, meaning the file will be empty besides a number "999" ect. and I wanted my script to read it like that so I can use it in my conditions later in my script.

This is what I tried, I don't get a crash but it doesn't do anything, meaning its isolated to this part of my code.

0A9A: $hFILE = openfile "CLEO\mp3.txt" mode 0x72  // IF and SET
0A9C: 0@ = file $hFILE size
if 0@ > 4
then jump @FAIL
0A9D: readfile $hFILE size 0@ to $150
008A: $150 = 1@ // (int)
0A9B: closefile $hFILE

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