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I made some progress please look at script
I need help on a cleo script i am makeing (base came from backup.cs)
ok so you hit the 4 button and it starts the chase
you hit it again and they stop / get out / gun fight
(if you hit it again ie make them stop please make shure they are close and not far from eachother as it WILL crash your game [it does mine])
I made some progress I got it working some what of how i wanted it
if you have any insight on how to make it better please let me know
CODE UPDATED 11/09/08 1:25 pm
also uploaded the cs file (place in your cleo dir)
// This file was decompiled using sascm.ini published by Seemann ( on 13.10.2007 {$VERSION 3.1.0027} {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- thread 'POLCHASE' :POLCHASE_11 wait 0 if Player.Defined($PLAYER_CHAR) else_jump @POLCHASE_11 wait 0 if 0AB0: key_pressed 52 else_jump @POLCHASE_11 Model.Load(#COPCARVG) Model.Load(#FORTUNE) Model.Load(#LAPD1) Model.Load(#BFYPRO) Model.Load(#SILENCED) Model.Load(#CELLPHONE) Model.Load(#MICRO_UZI) 04C4: store_coords_to 1@ 2@ 3@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset -170.0 0.0 0.0 02C1: store_to 1@ 2@ 3@ car_path_coords_closest_to 1@ 2@ 3@ 04C4: store_coords_to 29@ 30@ 31@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset -150.0 0.0 0.0 02C1: store_to 29@ 30@ 31@ car_path_coords_closest_to 29@ 30@ 31@ 04C4: store_coords_to 14@ 15@ 16@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 10.0 0.0 02C1: store_to 14@ 15@ 16@ car_path_coords_closest_to 14@ 15@ 16@ 0662: NOP "POLICE CHASE" 0662: NOP "COPYRIGHT 2008 CAKUZMA" :POLCHASE_196 wait 0 if and Model.Available(#COPCARVG) Model.Available(#FORTUNE) Model.Available(#LAPD1) Model.Available(#BFYPRO) Model.Available(#SILENCED) Model.Available(#CELLPHONE) Model.Available(#MICRO_UZI) else_jump @POLCHASE_196 0729: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR hold_cellphone 1 wait 50 0729: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR hold_cellphone 0 01F7: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR ignored_by_cops 1 wait 100 4@ = Car.Create(#COPCARVG, 1@, 2@, 3@) 5@ = Car.Create(#FORTUNE, 29@, 30@, 31@) 03CC: enable_car 4@ stuck_check_distance_to 2.0 time_to 2.0 03CC: enable_car 5@ stuck_check_distance_to 2.0 time_to 2.0 0129: 10@ = create_actor_pedtype 23 model #LAPD1 in_car 4@ driverseat 0129: 11@ = create_actor_pedtype 24 model #BFYPRO in_car 5@ driverseat 0433: set_actor 11@ criminal_flag 1 0982: unknown_actor 11@ flag 1 062F: 27@ = create_group_type 4 0630: put_actor 11@ in_group 27@ as_leader 062F: 28@ = create_group_type 4 0630: put_actor 10@ in_group 28@ as_leader :POLCHASE_408 Car.DriveTo(4@, 14@, 15@, 16@) Car.DriveTo(5@, 14@, 15@, 16@) 067F: set_car 4@ lights 2 Car.SetImmunities(4@, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) Car.SetImmunities(5@, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) 00AD: 4@ set_car_max_speed 50.0 00AD: 5@ set_car_max_speed 30.0 00AE: unknown_set_car 4@ to_ignore_traffic_lights 2 00AE: unknown_set_car 5@ to_ignore_traffic_lights 2 0423: car 4@ improve_handling 2.0 0423: car 5@ improve_handling 1.0 0397: enable_car 4@ siren 1 25@ = Marker.CreateAboveCar(4@) 26@ = Marker.CreateAboveCar(5@) 07E0: set_marker 25@ type_to 1 wait 2000 00AE: unknown_set_car 4@ to_ignore_traffic_lights 2 0423: car 4@ improve_handling 3.0 00AE: unknown_set_car 5@ to_ignore_traffic_lights 2 0423: car 5@ improve_handling 2.0 :POLCHASE_410 wait 0 if 00AD: 4@ set_car_max_speed 50.0 00AD: 5@ set_car_max_speed 30.0 0407: store_coords_to 14@ 15@ 16@ from_car 5@ with_offset 0.0 250.0 50.0 02C1: store_to 14@ 15@ 16@ car_path_coords_closest_to 14@ 15@ 16@ 0AB0: key_pressed 52 Car.DriveTo(5@, 14@, 15@, 16@) 07F8: car 4@ follow_car 5@ radius 10.0 wait 50 073C: car 4@ damage_component 7 // versionB wait 200 0A30: repair_car 4@ wait 50 073C: car 4@ damage_component 6 // versionB wait 200 0A30: repair_car 4@ else_jump @POLCHASE_410 05CD: AS_actor 11@ exit_car 5@ 07F8: car 4@ follow_car 5@ radius 3.0 wait 900 05CD: AS_actor 10@ exit_car 4@ Marker.Disable(25@) Marker.Disable(26@) Car.SetImmunities(4@, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) Car.SetImmunities(5@, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) wait 500 01B2: give_actor 10@ weapon 23 ammo 9999 // Load the weapon model before using this 01B2: give_actor 11@ weapon 23 ammo 9999 // Load the weapon model before using this 01B2: give_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 23 ammo 999999 // Load the weapon model before using this jump @POLCHASE_411 :POLCHASE_411 0350: set_actor 10@ maintain_position_when_attacked 1 0350: set_actor 11@ maintain_position_when_attacked 1 05E2: AS_actor 10@ kill_actor 11@ 05E2: AS_actor 11@ kill_actor 10@ wait 7000 jump @POLCHASE_679 :POLCHASE_679 wait 0 if 06EE: actor 11@ in_group 27@ else_jump @POLCHASE_412 jump @POLCHASE_689 :POLCHASE_689 if 06EE: actor 10@ in_group 28@ else_jump @POLCHASE_512 jump @POLCHASE_411 :POLCHASE_412 if 8118: actor 10@ dead else_jump @POLCHASE_11 05CB: AS_actor 10@ enter_car 4@ as_driver 10000 ms 0397: enable_car 4@ siren 0 wait 1 1000 0407: store_coords_to 14@ 15@ 16@ from_car 4@ with_offset 0.0 500.0 90.0 02C1: store_to 14@ 15@ 16@ car_path_coords_closest_to 14@ 15@ 16@ 0423: car 4@ improve_handling 2.0 Car.DriveTo(4@, 14@, 15@, 16@) wait 5 1000 01c3: cleanup_car 4@ 01c3: cleanup_car 5@ Actor.RemoveReferences(10@) Actor.RemoveReferences(11@) 01c2: cleanup_actor 10@ 01c2: cleanup_actor 11@ jump @POLCHASE_11 :POLCHASE_512 if 8118: actor 11@ dead else_jump @POLCHASE_11 05CB: AS_actor 11@ enter_car 5@ as_driver -1 ms wait 2 1000 04C4: store_coords_to 1@ 2@ 3@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 -100.0 0.0 02C1: store_to 1@ 2@ 3@ car_path_coords_closest_to 1@ 2@ 3@ 0407: store_coords_to 14@ 15@ 16@ from_car 5@ with_offset 0.0 500.0 90.0 02C1: store_to 14@ 15@ 16@ car_path_coords_closest_to 14@ 15@ 16@ 0423: car 5@ improve_handling 2.0 01c3: cleanup_car 4@ Actor.RemoveReferences(10@) 01c2: cleanup_actor 10@ wait 5 1000 4@ = Car.Create(#COPCARVG, 1@, 2@, 3@) 0129: 10@ = create_actor_pedtype 23 model #LAPD1 in_car 4@ driverseat 0630: put_actor 10@ in_group 28@ as_leader 07F8: car 4@ follow_car 5@ radius 10.0 wait 1000 Car.DriveTo(5@, 14@, 15@, 16@) 067F: set_car 4@ lights 2 Car.SetImmunities(4@, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) Car.SetImmunities(5@, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) 00AD: 4@ set_car_max_speed 50.0 00AD: 5@ set_car_max_speed 0.1 00AE: unknown_set_car 4@ to_ignore_traffic_lights 3 00AE: unknown_set_car 5@ to_ignore_traffic_lights 2 0423: car 4@ improve_handling 2.0 0423: car 5@ improve_handling 2.0 0397: enable_car 4@ siren 1 25@ = Marker.CreateAboveCar(4@) 26@ = Marker.CreateAboveCar(5@) 07E0: set_marker 25@ type_to 1 wait 5000 jump @POLCHASE_410
I think i made some progress
now the problem i have is when i get next to a car that is not a police car they respown instead of just driveing by{$VERSION 3.1.0027} {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- thread 'POLLOC' :POLLOC_1 wait 10 if Actor.DrivingPoliceVehicle($PLAYER_ACTOR) else_jump @POLLOC_1 //jump @POLLOC_2 :POLLOC_2 if 00A0: store actor $PLAYER_ACTOR position to 21@ 22@ 23@ 08E5: get_actor_in_sphere 21@ 22@ 23@ radius 50.0 handle_as 1@ //wait 50 056c: is_actor_driving_policecar 1@ 004D: jump_if_false @POLLOC_3 03C0: 2@ = actor 1@ car if 0ABD: vehicle 2@ siren_on 004D: jump_if_false @POLLOC_4 //jf @POLLOC_2 25@ = Marker.CreateAboveCar(2@) 07E0: set_marker 25@ type_to 1 :POLLOC_3 Actor.RemoveReferences(1@) Car.RemoveReferences(2@) jump @POLLOC_1 :POLLOC_4 Actor.RemoveReferences(1@) Car.RemoveReferences(2@) jump @POLLOC_1
Im giving up...
anyone want a crack at this be my guest
i am just not cut out to do scripting.
by all
I think i made some progress
now the problem i have is when i get next to a car that is not a police car they respown instead of just driveing by
{$VERSION 3.1.0027} {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- thread 'POLLOC' :POLLOC_1 wait 10 if Actor.DrivingPoliceVehicle($PLAYER_ACTOR) else_jump @POLLOC_1 //jump @POLLOC_2 :POLLOC_2 if 00A0: store actor $PLAYER_ACTOR position to 21@ 22@ 23@ 08E5: get_actor_in_sphere 21@ 22@ 23@ radius 50.0 handle_as 1@ //wait 50 056c: is_actor_driving_policecar 1@ 004D: jump_if_false @POLLOC_3 03C0: 2@ = actor 1@ car if 0ABD: vehicle 2@ siren_on 004D: jump_if_false @POLLOC_4 //jf @POLLOC_2 25@ = Marker.CreateAboveCar(2@) 07E0: set_marker 25@ type_to 1 :POLLOC_3 Actor.RemoveReferences(1@) Car.RemoveReferences(2@) jump @POLLOC_1 :POLLOC_4 Actor.RemoveReferences(1@) Car.RemoveReferences(2@) jump @POLLOC_1
well i tryed to work on it but every time i enter the police car the game crashes to desktop
can anyone help
this is what i got so far
{$VERSION 3.1.0027} {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- thread 'POLLOC' :POLLOC_1 wait 10 if Actor.DrivingPoliceVehicle($PLAYER_ACTOR) 004D: jump_if_false @POLLOC_1//jf @POLLOC_1 :POLLOC_2 00A0: store actor $PLAYER_ACTOR position to 21@ 22@ 23@ 08E5: get_actor_in_sphere 21@ 22@ 23@ radius 50.0 handle_as 1@ wait 50 //00DF: is_actor_driving 1@ // tried this but it does it for every car not only police cars 00dd: is_actor 1@ driving_car_model #COPCARSF OR 00dd: is_actor 1@ driving_car_model #COPCARLA OR 00dd: is_actor 1@ driving_car_model #COPCARVG OR 00dd: is_actor 1@ driving_car_model #COPCARRU OR //056c: is_actor_driving_policecar 1@ // tried this but it keeps erroring 004D: jump_if_false @POLLOC_2 //jf @POLLOC_2 03C0: 2@ = actor 1@ car //0ABD: vehicle 2@ siren_on //004D: jump_if_false @POLLOC_2 //jf @POLLOC_2 25@ = Marker.CreateAboveCar(2@) 07E0: set_marker 25@ type_to 1 jump @POLLOC_1
can anyone please help i attempted to make the script but i am stumped
i dont know how to get if the police siren is on
here is what i got so far.
(didnt compile it yet as its not complete so its not tested)
{$VERSION 3.1.0027} {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- thread 'POLLOC' :POLLOC_1 wait 10 if and Actor.Driving($PLAYER_ACTOR) Actor.DrivingPoliceVehicle($PLAYER_ACTOR) else jump @POLLOC_1 00A0: store actor $PLAYER_ACTOR position to 21@ 22@ 23@ 08E5: get_actor_in_sphere 21@ 22@ 23@ radius 50.0 handle_as 1@ 03C0: 2@ = actor 1@ car some where in here i want to check if car 2@ has its siren on then if it does it does it does what 25@ says but i cant find the check for siren i found check for horn but its for player only anybody pleas help me 25@ = Marker.CreateAboveCar(2@) 07E0: set_marker 25@ type_to 1
I was Not shure where to put this so move it to the currect location if its in the wrong form...
now for my request
say you enter a police car / bike
you drive for a bit and here sirens but cant c them
can someone make a Cleo mod where if the other cops use there sirens
and your in a cop car you get a blue marker to there location on your mini map
if Actor.Driving($PLAYER_ACTOR) then 03C0: 25@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car 07F8: car 4@ follow_car 25@ radius 10.0 //Other Code end
thank you verry much
Try to use:
07F8: car 1@ follow_car 2@ radius 50.0
ok i get that car 1 is me but how to i tell the game that car 2 is me every code i use it crashes to desktop
00da: $PLAYER_CHAR set players car 0@
07F8: car 4@ follow_car 0@ radius 10.0
im trying to replace this
01B0: car 4@ sphere 0 in_sphere 14@ 15@ 16@ radius 5.0 5.0 5.0 stopped
04C4: store_coords_to 14@ 15@ 16@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 -8.0 0.0
02C1: store_to 14@ 15@ 16@ car_path_coords_closest_to 14@ 15@ 16@
this looped but sometimes the 4@ would get stuck
How do i make a Ped Follow Me in a car ex: the ped in one car and me in a different car
please i need some help
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