#1 GTA Modding » Checkpoint? » 04-07-2015 17:48

Replies: 0

Whats the command to send the checkpoints ingame.

0704: car 0@ drive_to $X_BCE2_CHECKPOINTS(1@,85f) $Y_BCE2_CHECKPOINTS(2@,85f) $Z_BCE2_CHECKPOINTS(3@,85f)  < This doesnt work for me. It keeps doing into wells and doesnt detect any checkpoints.....

#2 Re: GTA Modding » Auto Traveling Crashes, Please help » 03-07-2015 19:57

Okey, This is what i have done so far

wait 0 
else_jump @ZAD_11 
else_jump @ZAD_11 
else_jump @ZAD_11 
0AB0:   key_pressed 103 
else_jump @ZAD_11 
0AB6: store_target_marker_coords_to 1@ 2@ 3@ // IF and SET 
0@ = Actor.CurrentCar($PLAYER_ACTOR)
Car.SetDriverBehaviour(0@, Nowhere)
0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "DRIVER MODE: ~G~ON" time 2500  

wait 0 
00AE: set_car 0@ traffic_behaviour_to 4 
0423: set_car 0@ improved_handling_to 1.0 // (float) 
Car.SetMaxSpeed(0@, 25.0)
018C: play_sound 1058 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 
wait 100 
wait 0 
else_jump @ZAD_313 
0AB0:   key_pressed 103 
else_jump @ZAD_469 
0@ = Actor.CurrentCar($PLAYER_ACTOR)
072A: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR into_car 0@ driverseat 
018C: play_sound 1058 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 
Car.SetDriverBehaviour(0@, Nowhere)
0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "DRIVER MODE: ~R~OFF" time 2500  
wait 100 
jump @ZAD_11 

wait 0 
018C: play_sound 1058 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 
0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "DRIVER MODE: ~R~OFF" time 2500  
wait 100 
jump @ZAD_11 
wait 0 

wait 0 
0AB0:   key_pressed 104 
else_jump @ZAD_137 
0@ = Actor.CurrentCar($PLAYER_ACTOR)
0AB6: store_target_marker_coords_to 1@ 2@ 3@ // IF and SET 
02C2: car 0@ drive_to 1@ 2@ 3@ 
018C: play_sound 1058 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 
0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "DRIVER MODE: ~Y~RE-ROUTE" time 2500  
jump @ZAD_137 

Im still unable to figure out how to make the speed to 45.0 with 4 and Speed 20.0 with Key 5. ANd still cant figure our checkpoint thingy sad

#3 GTA Modding » Auto Traveling Crashes, Please help » 03-07-2015 10:20

Replies: 1
31@ = 0 

wait 0 
if and
   not Actor.DrivingVehicleType($PLAYER_ACTOR, #FREIGHT)
   not Actor.DrivingVehicleType($PLAYER_ACTOR, #STREAK)
0AB0:   key_pressed 104 
jf @NONAME_384 
  31@ == 0 
jf @NONAME_275 
0ACD: show_text_highpriority "AutoTrucking ~G~ENABLED" time 1337 
22@ = 22 
wait 200 

Car.SetDriverBehaviour(0@, FollowRoad)
00AE: set_car 0@ traffic_behaviour_to 2
03AB: set_car 0@ strong 1 
Car.DriveTo(0@, 1009.5870, 2132.1499, 10.6719)
Car.SetMaxSpeed(0@, 25.0)
22@ += 1 
  22@ > 32 
jf @NONAME_198 
018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 
31@ = 1 
jump @NONAME_384 

0ACD: show_text_highpriority "AutoTrucking ~R~DISABLED" time 1337 
22@ = 22 
wait 200 

072A: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR into_car 0@ driverseat 
0423: set_car 0@ improved_handling_to 1.0 // (float) 
03AB: set_car 0@ strong 0  
22@ += 1 
  22@ > 32 
jf @NONAME_314 
018C: play_sound 1084 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 
31@ = 0 

jump @NONAME_123

Then i Press 8, It crashed my game. Im pretty sure i did something wrong in it. Because i suck at it lol. Im trying to make it check point moment. Like First it will goto Check Point1, then it will be automatcially assigned to check point 2. Then Automatically assigned to Check point 3. At Check  Point 3 it will automatically stop and cleo will turn off.

I dont know how to do these codings. I have no Exp in them. But im trying my best to make it work by putting efforts, Little help will be great.

#5 GTA Modding » Coding Cleo for vehicles. » 29-06-2015 10:53

Replies: 2

Hey guys,

I just need help with this. How can i repair a car with a cleo mode.

How can i get a car body repaired without having its health repaired.

I know theres a thingy which is called car_repair but it also set the hp. Either way someone help me with a code which allows me to set the HP back after car_repair or  someone tell the code to which just fix the car body.

Best Regards,

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