#1 Вопросы по скриптингу » вопрос » 10-02-2019 12:07

Replies: 0

как сделать проверку того, что актёр находится позади машины? (trashmaster)

#2 Вопросы по скриптингу » вопрос » 25-01-2019 14:17

Replies: 2

почему вылетает?

// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}

thread "HEAD"

wait 0
04ED: load_animation "PED"

wait 0
else_jump @HEAD_26
04EE:   animation "PED" loaded
else_jump @HEAD_8
0209: 10@ = random_int_in_ranges 1 2
0AD2: 1@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR targeted_actor //IF and SET
if and
0184:   actor 1@ health <= 100
00E1:   player 0 pressed_key 17
0AD2: 1@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR targeted_actor //IF and SET
02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 25
051A:   actor 1@ damaged_by_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
10@ = 1
else_jump @HEAD_26
wait 0 
0829: actor 1@ perform_animation "KO_SHOT_FRONT" IFP_file "PED" 4.0 time 10 and_dies
wait 1000
04EF: release_animation "PED"
jump @HEAD_8

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