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Hello, I've got a massive problem. Pimp my car has corrupted my gamesave (THIRD BLOODY TIME SINCE I INSTALLED CLEO!) so I would like you to at least sort this out or send me a gamesave that is on the second island, and none of that 100% completed crap!
The problem is that i don't have any TC mods.... And every gamesave there is out there is either tagged all sprays or 100% complete etc.
Hey, if anyone has a gamesave that's on the beggining of the second island could you post it to me please because somehow CLEO managed to corrupt my gamesave TWICE and I can't be bothered to start again!
Thanks, Buddy.
Hey i need help my cleo library wont run and ive tried the compact exe and ive got version 1.00 eu
EDIT : Ive found the problem! Silly me was clicking on the normal sa.exe instead of compact.exe but this topic was very helpful! BTW I had to use the alternate loader!
EDIT 2 : Ok I need help again this time the cleo library has made my gamesave a new game so i have to start all over again and im not happy so if anyone has got a gamesave on the beginning of the second island or can help me sort this out it would be greatly appriciated. Thanks!
Pages: 1