#1 13-07-2009 20:19

Registered: 13-07-2009
Posts: 1

pleassseeee help me. i mean the knight research mod team

hey i'm still not so good at coding but good enough to be in The Knight research modding team.
i've got to make a smoke screen from the back of a car. i've got this.

0AB0:   key_pressed 100
else_jump @SMOKE_11
03C0: 10@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car
0407: store_coords_to 0@ 1@ 2@ from_car 10@ with_offset 0.0 -2.5 0.0
02CE: 2@ = ground_z_at 0@ 1@ 2@
064B: 11@ = create_particle 'PRT_SMOKE_HUGE' at 0@ 1@ 2@ type 1
064C: make_particle 11@ visible
32@ = 0
0007: 3@ = 0@  // Note: the incorrect math opcode was used here
3@ -= 6.0
0@ += 6.0
0007: 4@ = 1@  // Note: the incorrect math opcode was used here
4@ -= 6.0
1@ += 6.0

but there is only one big smoke screen and i can't make it again for like a minute.
now the idea is to make the smoke follow the car.

could someone help me pleas


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