#1 17-03-2010 21:04

Registered: 01-03-2010
Posts: 726

[CLEO|WIP] "Forget" thrown weapon in car

Script like that already was here, but I've made my own. Press Tab+B, and  car will f*ck off here will be real fun.

thread 'CarBng'

wait 500
077E: get active interior to $ACTIVE_INTERIOR
if and
  8965: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR swimming 
  0AB0: key pressed 9  //Tab
  0AB0: key pressed 66 //B
else_jump @CarBng_0

041A: 1@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 16 ammo
  1@ == 0
else_jump @CarBng_GR

041A: 1@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 17 ammo
  1@ == 0
else_jump @CarBng_TG

041A: 1@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 18 ammo
  1@ <> 1
else_jump @CarBng_MV0

  1@ == 0
else_jump @CarBng_MV1

041A: 1@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 39 ammo
  1@ == 0
else_jump @CarBng_SC

wait 5000
jump @CarBng_0

03C0: 0@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car
Marker.CreateAboveCar(5@, 0@)
Marker.SetColor(5@, 5)
Marker.SetIconSize(5@, 2)
1@ -= 1
017B: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 16 ammo_to 1@ 
00BA: show text styled GXT 'GRENADE' time 500 ms style 1
Car.SetImmunities(0@, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
wait 5000
020B: explode_car 0@
wait 250
0407: store_coords_to 2@ 3@ 4@ from_car 0@ with_offset 0 0 0 
0948: create_explosion_at 2@ 3@ 4@ type 10 camera_shake 1
jump @CarBng_0

03C0: 0@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car
Marker.CreateAboveCar(5@, 0@)
Marker.SetColor(5@, 1)
Marker.SetIconSize(5@, 2)
1@ -= 1
017B: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 17 ammo_to 1@
00BA: 'TEARGAS' 500 1
wait 1000
066B: 1@ = attach_particle "teargasAD" to_car 0@ offset 0 0 0 1
064C: make_particle 1@ visible
wait 15000
0650: destroy_particle 1@
jump @CarBng_0

03C0: 0@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car
Marker.CreateAboveCar(5@, 0@)
Marker.SetColor(5@, 5)
Marker.SetIconSize(5@, 2)
1@ -= 1
017B: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 18 ammo_to 1@
00BA: GXT 'MOLOTOVS' 500 1
wait 2000
Car.SetImmunities(0@, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
066B: 1@ = attach_particle "FIRE_LARGE" to_car 0@ offset 0 0 0 1
064C: make_particle 1@ visible
wait 7500
020B: explode_car 0@
wait 250
0407: store_coords_to 2@ 3@ 4@ from_car 0@ with_offset 0 0 0 
0948: create_explosion_at 2@ 3@ 4@ type 1 camera_shake 1
wait 2500
0650: destroy_particle 2@
jump @CarBng_0

03C0: 0@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car
Marker.CreateAboveCar(5@, 0@)
Marker.SetColor(5@, 5)
Marker.SetIconSize(5@, 2)
1@ -= 2
017B: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 18 ammo_to 1@
00BA: GXT 'MOLOTOVS' 500 1
wait 2000
Car.SetImmunities(0@, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
066B: 1@ = attach_particle "FIRE_LARGE" to_car 0@ offset 0 0 0 1
064C: make_particle 1@ visible
for 7@ = 0 to 299
  wait 25
  0407: store_coords_to 2@ 3@ 4@ from_car 0@ with_offset 0 0 -0.5 
  02CF: 6@ = create_fire_at 2@ 3@ 4@ propagation 1000 size 2

020B: explode_car 0@
wait 250
0407: store_coords_to 2@ 3@ 4@ from_car 0@ with_offset 0 0 0 
0948: create_explosion_at 2@ 3@ 4@ type 1 camera_shake 1
wait 2500
0650: destroy_particle 2@
jump @CarBng_0

03C0: 0@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car
Marker.CreateAboveCar(5@, 0@)
Marker.SetColor(5@, 1)
Marker.SetIconSize(5@, 2)
1@ -= 1
017B: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 39 ammo_to 1@ 
00BA: GXT 'SATCHELC' 500 1
wait 2500

wait 500
  jump @CarBng_SC1
  0AB0: key pressed 9  //Tab
  0AB0: key pressed 66 //B
else_jump @CarBng_SC0

Car.SetImmunities(0@, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
020B: explode_car 0@
wait 250
0407: store_coords_to 2@ 3@ 4@ from_car 0@ with_offset 0 0 0 
0948: create_explosion_at 2@ 3@ 4@ type 10 camera_shake 1
jump @CarBng_0

Next release: tear gas makes real tears, fire is hot, all the weapon names showing. Now script showing only "Grenades", who knows names of GXT values "Satchel Charges", "Tear Gas", "Molotovs" - please, tell me.


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