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Hello , I Made New Vest For Michael Knight Have The FLAG icon , No That is The Problem !
I Create A Clothe Menu But While I Select Any Vest , not work ?? Pleasse help me on it !
:KNIGHTCLOTHE thread 'KNIGHTCLOTHE' 03BC: $FLAGCLOTH_MARKER = create_sphere_at 1139.656 -2034.026 70.5234 radius 1.0 :KNIGHTCLOTHE_44 wait 0 if Player.Defined($PLAYER_CHAR) else_jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_44 if $ONMISSION == 0 $ACTIVE_INTERIOR == 0 else_jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_44 if 00FE: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_sphere 1139.656 -2034.026 70.5234 radius 2.0 2.0 13.0 else_jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_44 wait 0 0512: show_permanent_text_box 'KRCL_1' if 0AB0: key_pressed 53 else_jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_44 else_jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_174 :KNIGHTCLOTHE_174 05A9: s$BLACK = 'KRTS_1' 05A9: s$WHITE = 'KRTS_9' 05A9: s$GREY = 'KRTS_10' 05A9: s$BLUE = 'KRTS_4' 05A9: s$GREEN = 'KRTS_5' 05A9: s$YELLOW = 'KRTS_6' 05A9: s$RED = 'KRTS_7' 05A9: s$TXTBOX1 = 'WARDH3' // Use ~k~~GO_FORWARD~ and ~k~~GO_BACK~ to select an item.~N~~k~~PED_SPRINT~ View~N~~k~~VEHICLE_ENTER_EXIT~ Back 0512: show_permanent_text_box s$TXTBOX1 Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = False 03BF: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR ignored_by_everyone 1 0826: enable_hud 0 0581: enable_radar 0 03BF: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR ignored_by_everyone 1 08D4: $PANEL = create_panel_with_title 'KRCL_4' position 29.0 140.0 width 240.0 columns 1 interactive 1 background 1 alignment 0 08DB: set_panel $PANEL column 0 header 'DUMMY' data s$BLACK s$WHITE s$GREY s$BLUE s$GREEN s$YELLOW s$RED 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 090E: set_panel $PANEL active_row 0 :KNIGHTCLOTHE_446 wait 0 if Player.Defined($PLAYER_CHAR) else_jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_874 if 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 15 else_jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_446 jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_874 :KNIGHTCLOTHE_490 if 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 16 else_jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_446 03E6: remove_text_box 08D7: $KRCL = panel $PANEL active_row $KRCL += 1 if $KRCL == 1 else_jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_574 Player.SetClothes($PLAYER_CHAR, "FLAG-BLACK", "VEST", Torso) jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_923 :KNIGHTCLOTHE_574 if $KRCL == 2 else_jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_624 Player.SetClothes($PLAYER_CHAR, "FLAG-WHITE", "VEST", Torso) jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_923 :KNIGHTCLOTHE_624 if $KRCL == 3 else_jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_673 Player.SetClothes($PLAYER_CHAR, "FLAG-GREY", "VEST", Torso) jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_923 :KNIGHTCLOTHE_673 if $KRCL == 4 else_jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_722 Player.SetClothes($PLAYER_CHAR, "FLAG-BLUE", "VEST", Torso) jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_923 :KNIGHTCLOTHE_722 if $KRCL == 5 else_jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_772 Player.SetClothes($PLAYER_CHAR, "FLAG-GREEN", "VEST", Torso) jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_923 :KNIGHTCLOTHE_772 if $KRCL == 6 else_jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_823 Player.SetClothes($PLAYER_CHAR, "FLAG-YELLOW", "VEST", Torso) jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_923 :KNIGHTCLOTHE_823 if $KRCL == 6 else_jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_823 Player.SetClothes($PLAYER_CHAR, "FLAG-YELLOW", "VEST", Torso) jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_923 :KNIGHTCLOTHE_874 08DA: remove_panel $PANEL 03E6: remove_text_box 0826: enable_hud 1 0581: enable_radar 1 03F0: enable_text_draw 0 Camera.SetBehindPlayer Camera.Restore_WithJumpCut 03BF: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR ignored_by_everyone 0 wait 500 Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_44 :KNIGHTCLOTHE_923 wait 0 0605: actor -1 perform_animation_sequence "CLO_POSE_LEGS" IFP_file "CLOTH" 4.0 loop 1 0 0 0 time 3333 // versionA else_jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_923 wait 3333 if 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 16 else_jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_923 wait 0 0793: save_player_clothes 0605: actor -1 perform_animation_sequence "CLO_BUY" IFP_file "CLOTH" 4.0 loop 1 0 0 0 time 2700 // versionA else_jump @KNIGHTCLOTHE_923 wait 3000 08DA: remove_panel $PANEL 03E6: remove_text_box 03F0: enable_text_draw 0 return
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