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"lower case" of sannybuilder > option > formats corrupt the compiled result
Tested with my Stripped Main with Externscripts (and Submissions)
Download Stripped Main with Externscripts (and Submissions) source text
When i set "lower case" and compile then the source script, then i get heavy errors and crashs
It crashs at beginning when the externscript BCESAR2 starts (CJ recieve phonecall to catch the Dealer at Dillimore)
When i deactivate BCESAR2 and visit bincos clothshop, then there isn't a marker, the clothscript seems not running. When i go then into Gymstudio and makes gymnastics, then it crashes when i leave the studio
When i have "Upper case" and compile then the source script, then it works fine
some opcodes related to the external scripts are probably case-sensitive, so the game could not correctly run them using a name written in low-case way. just a thought.