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I use this to create to create a TextBox without using a fxt or gxt entry:
//////////////////////////////// gosub @TEXT_POINTER $TEXT -= @TextInstruction gosub @TEXT_SHOW //////////////////////////////// :TEXT_POINTER 0A9F: $TEXT = current_thread_pointer 000A: $TEXT += 16 0A8D: $TEXT = read_memory $TEXT size 4 virtual_protect 0 0051: return :TEXT_SHOW 00D6: if 0AA9: is_game_version_original 004D: jump_if_false @TEXT_SHOW_1 0AA5: call 5802976 4 pop 4 0 0 0 $TEXT 0051: return :TEXT_SHOW_1 0AA5: call 5804976 4 pop 4 0 0 0 $TEXT 0051: return :TextInstruction hex "Use_LEFT,_RIGHT,~n~DOWN_and_UP~n~to_select" 00 end
Is it possible to create a highpriority text without using a fxt or gxt entry?
regards, ATP