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Наверное уже давно поздно опубликовывать эту мою старую программу, но оказывается есть ещё люди, играющие в SA, поэтому всё-таки опубликую.
CleoOptimizer - это программа для преобразования старых миссий, написанных для мейна в Cleo-миссии. Программа заменяет глобальные переменные на локальные.
Программа учитывает такие факторы, как:
+ Не преобразовывает в локальные предопределённые в CustomVariables.ini глобальные переменные, такие как $ONMISSION и $Player_Actor.
+ Учитывает, что 32@ и 33@ - таймеры и их нельзя использовать для хранения.
+ Учитывает, что переменные могут занимать по несколько "слотов" (например, 0@v занимает 0@,1@,2@,3@)
+ Учитывает, что некоторые локальные "слоты" могут быть заняты использованными в миссии локальными переменными
+ Учитывает размеры глобальных и локальных массивов
+ Не преобразовывает закомментированные переменные и внутри строк
+ Учитывает, что в опкодах статус-текстов и таймеров требуются глобальные переменные
+ Автоматически определяет тип потока (обычный или миссия)
+ Преобразовывает опкоды end_thread, create_thread, create_thread_wb, start_mission.
+ Учитывает, что SannyBuilder не умеет работать с именованными константами - массивами.
+ Дополнительныя опция - дефрагментация локальных переменных - используется, если не хватает места.
Инструкция по преобразовыванию пакета миссий:
1) Разделите код на отдельные потоки (миссии и их стартеры)
2) Вставить код ОДНОГО потока в левое многострочное текстовое поле.
3) Нажать кнопку Преобразовать
4) Ответить на вопросы
5) Сконвентированный код появится в правом поле.
6) Проделать это для каждого потока.
В основном, выходной код не нуждается в дополнительном редактировании, или таких моментов очень мало, в большинстве случаев некритичный обмен переменными между стартером и миссией и решаемый опкодами [c]0AB3[/c] и [c]0AB4[/c].
Конечно, не все миссии поддаются быстрому конвентированию в Cleo-формат, т.к. миссия может обмениваться данными с параллейным потоком мейна с помощью глобальных переменных (например, миссия "Блокбастер «Смерть полицейского»" от Nikitos). К счастью, таких моментов обычно мало. Такую миссию и параллейный поток после преобразования нужно вручную подредактировать с использованием Cleo-опкодов [c]0AB3[/c] и [c]0AB4[/c] (глобальные Cleo-переменные). Также миссия может использовать "номерные" глобальные переменные из кода оригинального мейна (например, отключать парковку т. д.). В таком случае можно вручную исправить.
Пример работы CleoOptimize:
Код миссии Дрифт v2.0 от Flash для мейна:
{В .fxt файл (CLEO_TEXT плагин) необходимо добавить следующее: DRIFT Drift DRIFTHI Need to win: DRIFYOU Your score: DRIFBON Bonus: DRIFBNN x~1~} //This script was created by 'GTA: San Andreas Race Mission Creator v1.0' :Lap_Example $Lap_Example_XCoord = 2480.55 $Lap_Example_YCoord = -1666.06 $Lap_Example_ZCoord = 13.34 $Lap_Example_Marker = Marker.CreateIconAndSphere(53, $Lap_Example_XCoord, $Lap_Example_YCoord, $Lap_Example_ZCoord) :Lap_Example_1349 wait 25 ms Player.Defined($PLAYER_CHAR) jf @Lap_Example_1349 0101: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR stopped_near_point $Lap_Example_XCoord $Lap_Example_YCoord $Lap_Example_ZCoord radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 sphere 0 jf @Lap_Example_1349 Player.Controllable($PLAYER_CHAR) jf @Lap_Example_1349 $ONMISSION == 0 // integer values jf @Lap_Example_1349 Marker.Disable($11192) 054C: use_GXT_table 'RACETOR' 00BA: text_styled 'RACES_0' 1500 ms 2 0169: set_fade_color 0 0 0 fade 0 (in) 2500 ms :Lap_Example_1492 wait 0 ms not fading jf @Lap_Example_1492 Marker.Disable($11192) 00BE: text_clear_all 03E6: remove_text_box if $DRIFT_MISSION_PASSED == 0// then $hiscore = 150// Начальное кол-во очков, необходимых для победы // end// start_mission 0 end_thread //-------------Mission 0--------------- :Lap_Example_000 thread 'EXAMPL1' gosub @Lap_Example_47 wasted_or_busted jf @Lap_Example_38 gosub @Lap_Example_2497 :Lap_Example_38 gosub @Lap_Example_2762 end_thread :Lap_Example_47 increment_mission_attempts $ONMISSION = 1 Player.ClearWantedLevel($PLAYER_CHAR) 00BE: text_clear_all {Мои переменные и константы} const// PLAYER_CAR = $car[1]// TEMP_SCORE = 8@// BONUS = 9@// DRIFT_ANGLE = 15.0// CAR_HEALTH = 10@// CAR_SPEED = 7@// SPEED_LIMIT = 10.0// DRIFTING_ANGLE = 15@// end// var// 1@:float// 2@:float// 3@:float// 4@:float// 5@:float// 6@:float// 7@:float// 8@:int// 9@:int// 10@:int// 11@:int// 12@:int// 13@:int// 14@:int// 15@:int// $score:int// end// var $nar : Integer $tar : Integer $time : Integer = 1000 $dist : Float $dist2 : Float $pos : Integer = 1 $pos2 : Integer = 1 $stage : Array 5 of Integer $car : Array 5 of Car $model : Array 5 of Model $act : Array 5 of Actor $mark : Array 5 of Marker $carx : Array 5 of Float $cary : Array 5 of Float $carz : Array 5 of Float $angle : Array 5 of Float $paintjob : Array 5 of Integer $pointx : Array 17 of Float $pointy : Array 17 of Float $pointz : Array 17 of Float $speed : Array 17 of Float $type : Array 17 of Integer $components : Array 9 of Model $component1 : Array 9 of Model $component2 : Array 9 of Model $component3 : Array 9 of Model $component4 : Array 9 of Model $component5 : Array 9 of Model $component6 : Array 9 of Model $component7 : Array 9 of Model $component8 : Array 9 of Model $component9 : Array 9 of Model $component10 : Array 9 of Model end for $par = 1 to 1 $stage[$par] = 1 end $pointx[1] = 2372.91 $pointy[1] = -1658.93 $pointz[1] = 13.38 $speed[1] = 100.0 $type[1] = 3 $pointx[2] = 2342.61 $pointy[2] = -1580.44 $pointz[2] = 23.76 $speed[2] = 50.0 $type[2] = 3 $pointx[3] = 2342.81 $pointy[3] = -1538.50 $pointz[3] = 23.84 $speed[3] = 100.0 $type[3] = 3 $pointx[4] = 2228.25 $pointy[4] = -1484.19 $pointz[4] = 23.23 $speed[4] = 100.0 $type[4] = 3 $pointx[5] = 2212.02 $pointy[5] = -1398.15 $pointz[5] = 23.34 $speed[5] = 100.0 $type[5] = 3 $pointx[6] = 2068.81 $pointy[6] = -1278.58 $pointz[6] = 23.34 $speed[6] = 100.0 $type[6] = 3 $pointx[7] = 1792.85 $pointy[7] = -1273.45 $pointz[7] = 12.98 $speed[7] = 100.0 $type[7] = 3 $pointx[8] = 1792.85 $pointy[8] = -1273.45 $pointz[8] = 12.98 $speed[8] = 50.0 $type[8] = 3 $pointx[9] = 1715.13 $pointy[9] = -1417.16 $pointz[9] = 12.90 $speed[9] = 100.0 $type[9] = 3 $carx[1] = 2457.08 $cary[1] = -1656.42 $carz[1] = 13.30 $angle[1] = 90.0 $paintjob[1] = 0 $model[1] = #ELEGY $components[1] = 7 $component1[1] = #WG_L_A_L $component2[1] = #EXH_C_L $component3[1] = #RF_C_L $component4[1] = #SPL_C_L_B $component5[1] = #RBMP_C_L $component6[1] = #FBMP_C_L $component7[1] = #WG_L_C_L for $par = 1 to 1 $model[$par].Load end 06E9: request_car_component $component1[1] 06E9: request_car_component $component2[1] 06E9: request_car_component $component3[1] 06E9: request_car_component $component4[1] 06E9: request_car_component $component5[1] 06E9: request_car_component $component6[1] 06E9: request_car_component $component7[1] wait 1000 ms :Lap_Example_111 wait 0 ms for $par = 1 to 1 $model[$par].Available jf @Lap_Example_111 end if and 06EA: car_component $component1[1] available 06EA: car_component $component2[1] available 06EA: car_component $component3[1] available 06EA: car_component $component4[1] available 06EA: car_component $component5[1] available 06EA: car_component $component6[1] available 06EA: car_component $component7[1] available jf @Lap_Example_111 01EB: set_traffic_density_to 0.0 0395: clear_area 1 at $carx[1] $cary[1] $carz[1] range 300.0 for $par = 1 to 1 $car[$par] = Car.Create($model[$par], $carx[$par], $cary[$par], $carz[$par]) Car.Angle($car[$par]) = $angle[$par] // Car.SetImmunities($car[$par], 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) 07EE: car $car[$par] enable_tire_marks 1 Car.DoorStatus($car[$par]) = 2 if $components[$par] >= 1 then 06E7: $cmpnent = add_car_component $component1[$par] to_car $car[$par] if $components[$par] >= 2 then 06E7: $cmpnent2 = add_car_component $component2[$par] to_car $car[$par] if $components[$par] >= 3 then 06E7: $cmpnent3 = add_car_component $component3[$par] to_car $car[$par] if $components[$par] >= 4 then 06E7: $cmpnent4 = add_car_component $component4[$par] to_car $car[$par] if $components[$par] >= 5 then 06E7: $cmpnent5 = add_car_component $component5[$par] to_car $car[$par] if $components[$par] >= 6 then 06E7: $cmpnent6 = add_car_component $component6[$par] to_car $car[$par] if $components[$par] >= 7 then 06E7: $cmpnent7 = add_car_component $component7[$par] to_car $car[$par] if $components[$par] >= 8 then 06E7: $cmpnent8 = add_car_component $component8[$par] to_car $car[$par] if $components[$par] >= 9 then 06E7: $cmpnent9 = add_car_component $component9[$par] to_car $car[$par] if $components[$par] >= 10 then 06E7: $cmpnent10 = add_car_component $component10[$par] to_car $car[$par] end end end end end end end end end end if $paintjob[$par] <> -1 then 06ED: set_car $car[$par] paintjob $paintjob[$par] end end 036A: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_vehicle $car[1] 0407: create_coordinate $camx $camy $camz from_car $car[1] offset 0.0 -23.7 14.1 Camera.SetPosition($camx, $camy, $camz, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) Camera.OnVehicle($car[1], 15, 1) Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = False 03BF: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR ignored_by_everyone_to 1 03F4: set_all_vehicles_apply_damage_rules 0 wait 2500 ms fade 1 (out) 1000 ms wait 1000 ms 00BA: text_styled 'RACES_4' 1100 ms 4 // 3 097A: at 0.0 0.0 0.0 play_sound 1056 wait 1100 ms 0407: create_coordinate $camx2 $camy2 $camz2 from_car $car[1] offset 0.0 -13.7 7.1 Camera.SetPosition($camx2, $camy2, $camz2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) Camera.OnVehicle($car[1], 15, 1) 0460: set_camera_pointing_time 0.0 2000 00BA: text_styled 'RACES_5' 1100 ms 4 // 2 097A: at 0.0 0.0 0.0 play_sound 1056 wait 1100 ms 0407: create_coordinate $camx3 $camy3 $camz3 from_car $car[1] offset 0.0 -6.7 3.1 Camera.SetPosition($camx3, $camy3, $camz3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) Camera.OnVehicle($car[1], 15, 1) 0460: set_camera_pointing_time 0.0 2000 00BA: text_styled 'RACES_6' 1100 ms 4 // 1 097A: at 0.0 0.0 0.0 play_sound 1056 wait 1100 ms 00BA: text_styled 'RACES_7' 800 ms 4 // GO! 097A: at 0.0 0.0 0.0 play_sound 1057 01BD: 11@ = current_time_in_ms Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True 03BF: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR ignored_by_everyone_to 0 03F4: set_all_vehicles_apply_damage_rules 1 01EB: set_traffic_density_to 0.0 Camera.SetBehindPlayer Camera.Restore //03C3: set_timer_with_text_to $time type 1 text 'TIMER' // TIME 14@ = car.Health(PLAYER_CAR)// for $kar = 1 to 9 $nar = $kar // integer values $nar += 1 // integer values 018A: $chekp = create_checkpoint_at $pointx[$kar] $pointy[$kar] $pointz[$kar] 0168: show_on_radar $chekp 4 if $kar == 9 // integer values then 1@ = 1 Marker.SetColor($chekp, 0) end 06D5: $rchekp = create_racing_checkpoint_at $pointx[$kar] $pointy[$kar] $pointz[$kar] point_to $pointx[$nar] $pointy[$nar] $pointz[$nar] type 1@ radius 6.0 while 8100: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_point_in_vehicle $pointx[$kar] $pointy[$kar] $pointz[$kar] radius 12.0 12.0 12.0 sphere 0 // if // $time <= 0 // then // jump @Lap_Example_2497 // end gosub @drift// 03F0: toggle_text_draw 1// 033F: set_text_draw_letter_size 0.7 0.933// 0340: set_text_draw_RGBA 255 255 255 255// 0348: toggle_text_draw_proportional 1// 0349: set_text_draw_font 2// 060D: draw_text_shadow 1 color_RGBA 0 0 0 255// 045A: draw_text_1number 130.0 415.0 GXT 'NUMBER' number DRIFTING_ANGLE// 08DA: remove_panel 16@// 08D4: 16@ = create_panel_with_title 'DRIFT' position 29.0 30.0 width 35.0 columns 2 interactive 0 background 1 alignment 1// 09DB: set_panel 16@ column 0 width 120// 08DB: set_panel 16@ column 0 header 'DUMMY' data 'DRIFTHI' 'DRIFYOU' 'DUMMY' 'DRIFBON' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY'// 08DB: set_panel 16@ column 1 header 'DUMMY' data 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY'// 08EE: set_panel 16@ column 1 row 0 text_1number GXT 'NUMBER' number $hiscore// 08EE: set_panel 16@ column 1 row 1 text_1number GXT 'NUMBER' number $score// 08EE: set_panel 16@ column 1 row 3 text_1number GXT 'DRIFBNN' number BONUS// if TEMP_SCORE > 0// then// 033F: set_text_draw_letter_size 1.3 1.7// 0340: set_text_draw_RGBA 217 222 12 150// 0348: toggle_text_draw_proportional 1// 0349: set_text_draw_font 3// 060D: draw_text_shadow 0 color_RGBA 0 0 0 125// 0912: unknown_text_draw_flag 1 height 355 width 370// 0342: toggle_text_draw_centered 1// 045A: draw_text_1number 280.0 100.0 GXT 'NUMBER' number TEMP_SCORE// end// if and $pos = 1 // integer values not Actor.InCar($PLAYER_ACTOR, $car[1]) then jump @Lap_Example_2497 end if or Car.Wrecked($car[1]) 02BF: car $car[1] sunk then jump @Lap_Example_2497 end // wait 0 ms end Marker.Disable($chekp) 06D6: delete_racing_checkpoint $rchekp 097A: at 0.0 0.0 0.0 play_sound 1058 end jump @Lap_Example_2491 :Lap_Example_2491 gosub @Lap_Example_REMOVE if // $pos2 == 1 002c: $score >= $hiscore// then $DRIFT_MISSION_PASSED = 1// 0084: $hiscore = $score// $score = 0// 00BA: text_styled 'RACES18' 3000 ms 1 // Winner! wait 3000 ms 01E3: text_1number_styled 'M_PASS' 3000 4000 ms 1 // MISSION PASSED!~n~~w~$~1~ Player.Money($PLAYER_CHAR) += 3000 // 01BD: 12@ = current_time_in_ms // 0085: 13@ = 12@ // integer values and handles // 0062: 13@ -= 11@ // integer values // 13@ /= 1000.0 // floating-point values // 0085: 452@ = 13@ // integer values and handles // 452@ /= 60 // integer values // 0085: 36@ = 452@ // integer values and handles // 36@ *= 60 // integer values // 0085: 453@ = 13@ // integer values and handles // 0062: 453@ -= 36@ // integer values 0394: play_music 1 // 02FD: text_2numbers_lowpriority 'TIME' 452@ 453@ 8000 ms 1 // ~1~:~1~ else 01E3: text_1number_styled 'RACES_8' 200 5000 ms 1 // Loser! create_thread @Lap_Example // 01BD: 12@ = current_time_in_ms // 0085: 13@ = 12@ // integer values and handles // 0062: 13@ -= 11@ // integer values // 13@ /= 1000.0 // floating-point values // 0085: 452@ = 13@ // integer values and handles // 452@ /= 60 // integer values // 0085: 36@ = 452@ // integer values and handles // 36@ *= 60 // integer values // 0085: 453@ = 13@ // integer values and handles // 0062: 453@ -= 36@ // integer values // 02FD: text_2numbers_lowpriority 'TIME' 452@ 453@ 8000 ms 1 // ~1~:~1~ end 0318: set_latest_mission_passed_to 'RACES_0' Player.ClearWantedLevel($PLAYER_CHAR) create_thread @Lap_Example gosub @Lap_Example_38 return :Lap_Example_2497 gosub @Lap_Example_REMOVE 00BA: text_styled 'RACES_8' 5000 ms 1 // Loser! create_thread @Lap_Example return :Lap_Example_REMOVE 01EB: set_traffic_density_to 1.0 Car.DoorStatus($car[1]) = 0 for $par = 1 to 1 if $car[$par] <> -1 then Car.SetImmunities($car[$par], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) Model.Destroy($model[$par]) Car.RemoveReferences($car[$par]) if $par <> 1 then Marker.Disable($mark[$par]) Actor.RemoveReferences($act[$par]) end end end 06EB: release_car_component $component1[1] 06EB: release_car_component $component2[1] 06EB: release_car_component $component3[1] 06EB: release_car_component $component4[1] 06EB: release_car_component $component5[1] 06EB: release_car_component $component6[1] 06EB: release_car_component $component7[1] Marker.Disable($chekp) 06D6: delete_racing_checkpoint $rchekp 03F0: toggle_text_draw 0 014F: delete_timer $time 01B7: release_weather 00BE: text_clear_all// $score += TEMP_SCORE// 08DA: remove_panel 16@// return :Lap_Example_2762 $ONMISSION = 0 // integer values mission_cleanup return {Все последующие строки - мой код. Их тоже необходимо вставлять в файл.} :drift //wait 0 11@ = TEMP_SCORE gosub @drifted if TEMP_SCORE > 11@ then 12@ = 0 13@ = 0 else if 12@ == 0 then 01BD: 12@ = current_time_in_ms end if 13@ <= 2000 then 01BD: 13@ = current_time_in_ms 13@ -= 12@ else $score += TEMP_SCORE TEMP_SCORE = 0 12@ = 0 13@ = 0 end end CAR_HEALTH = car.Health(PLAYER_CAR) if CAR_HEALTH < 14@ then TEMP_SCORE = 0 12@ = 0 13@ = 0 14@ = CAR_HEALTH //0A30: repair_car PLAYER_CAR //раскомментируйте эти строки, если необходимо установить на авто иммунитеты // //14@ = car.Health(PLAYER_CAR) // 00BE: text_clear_all wait 2000 end return :drifted car.StorePos(PLAYER_CAR,1@,2@,3@) wait 0 car.StorePos(PLAYER_CAR,3@,4@,5@) 3@ -= 1@ 4@ -= 2@ 02F8: get_car PLAYER_CAR Z_angle_cosine_to 5@ 02F9: get_car PLAYER_CAR Z_angle_sine_to 6@ 05A4: get_angle_between_vectors_origin_to 5@ 6@ and_origin_to 3@ 4@ store_to 5@ 0087: DRIFTING_ANGLE = 5@ 0092: DRIFTING_ANGLE = float DRIFTING_ANGLE to_integer 02E3: CAR_SPEED = car PLAYER_CAR speed if and CAR_SPEED >= SPEED_LIMIT 81F4: not car PLAYER_CAR flipped 8119: not car PLAYER_CAR wrecked 82BF: not car PLAYER_CAR sunk 81F3: not car PLAYER_CAR in_air then BONUS = 1 if CAR_SPEED >= 19.0 then BONUS = 2 end if CAR_SPEED >= 31.0 then BONUS = 3 end if CAR_SPEED >= 46.0 then BONUS = 4 end if CAR_SPEED >= 63.0 then BONUS = 5 end if and TEMP_SCORE >=50 TEMP_SCORE <150 then BONUS *= 2 end if and TEMP_SCORE >=150 TEMP_SCORE <500 then BONUS *= 3 end if and TEMP_SCORE >=500 TEMP_SCORE <1000 then BONUS *= 4 end if TEMP_SCORE >=1000 then BONUS *= 5 end if and 5@ >= DRIFT_ANGLE 5@ <= 90.0 then inc(TEMP_SCORE,BONUS) end end return
А вот сконвентированный код:
{$CLEO .cm} const _car = 17@ _score = 0@ _nar = 22@ _tar = 23@ _time = $1797 _dist = 25@ _dist2 = 26@ _pos = 27@ _pos2 = 28@ _stage = 34@ _model = 39@ _act = 44@ _mark = 49@ _carx = 54@ _cary = 59@ _carz = 64@ _angle = 69@ _paintjob = 74@ _pointx = 79@ _pointy = 96@ _pointz = 113@ _speed = 130@ _type = 147@ _components = 164@ _component1 = 173@ _component2 = 182@ _component3 = 191@ _component4 = 200@ _component5 = 209@ _component6 = 218@ _component7 = 227@ _component8 = 236@ _component9 = 245@ _component10 = 254@ _par = 29@ _cmpnent = 30@ _cmpnent2 = 31@ _cmpnent3 = 263@ _cmpnent4 = 264@ _cmpnent5 = 265@ _cmpnent6 = 266@ _cmpnent7 = 267@ _cmpnent8 = 268@ _cmpnent9 = 269@ _cmpnent10 = 270@ _camx = 271@ _camy = 272@ _camz = 273@ _camx2 = 274@ _camy2 = 275@ _camz2 = 276@ _camx3 = 277@ _camy3 = 278@ _camz3 = 279@ _kar = 280@ _chekp = 281@ _rchekp = 282@ _hiscore = 283@ _DRIFT_MISSION_PASSED = 284@ end //-------------Mission 0--------------- :Lap_Example_000 thread 'EXAMPL1' gosub @Lap_Example_47 wasted_or_busted jf @Lap_Example_38 gosub @Lap_Example_2497 :Lap_Example_38 gosub @Lap_Example_2762 end_thread :Lap_Example_47 increment_mission_attempts $ONMISSION = 1 Player.ClearWantedLevel($PLAYER_CHAR) 00BE: text_clear_all {Мои переменные и константы} const// PLAYER_CAR = {_car[1]}18@// TEMP_SCORE = 8@// BONUS = 9@// DRIFT_ANGLE = 15.0// CAR_HEALTH = 10@// CAR_SPEED = 7@// SPEED_LIMIT = 10.0// DRIFTING_ANGLE = 15@// end// var// 1@:float// 2@:float// 3@:float// 4@:float// 5@:float// 6@:float// 7@:float// 8@:int// 9@:int// 10@:int// 11@:int// 12@:int// 13@:int// 14@:int// 15@:int// _score:int// end// var _nar : Integer _tar : Integer _time : Integer = 1000 _dist : Float _dist2 : Float _pos : Integer = 1 _pos2 : Integer = 1 _stage : Array 5 of Integer _car : Array 5 of Car _model : Array 5 of Model _act : Array 5 of Actor _mark : Array 5 of Marker _carx : Array 5 of Float _cary : Array 5 of Float _carz : Array 5 of Float _angle : Array 5 of Float _paintjob : Array 5 of Integer _pointx : Array 17 of Float _pointy : Array 17 of Float _pointz : Array 17 of Float _speed : Array 17 of Float _type : Array 17 of Integer _components : Array 9 of Model _component1 : Array 9 of Model _component2 : Array 9 of Model _component3 : Array 9 of Model _component4 : Array 9 of Model _component5 : Array 9 of Model _component6 : Array 9 of Model _component7 : Array 9 of Model _component8 : Array 9 of Model _component9 : Array 9 of Model _component10 : Array 9 of Model end for _par = 1 to 1 {_stage}34@[_par] = 1 end {_pointx[1]}80@ = 2372.91 {_pointy[1]}97@ = -1658.93 {_pointz[1]}114@ = 13.38 {_speed[1]}131@ = 100.0 {_type[1]}148@ = 3 {_pointx[2]}81@ = 2342.61 {_pointy[2]}98@ = -1580.44 {_pointz[2]}115@ = 23.76 {_speed[2]}132@ = 50.0 {_type[2]}149@ = 3 {_pointx[3]}82@ = 2342.81 {_pointy[3]}99@ = -1538.50 {_pointz[3]}116@ = 23.84 {_speed[3]}133@ = 100.0 {_type[3]}150@ = 3 {_pointx[4]}83@ = 2228.25 {_pointy[4]}100@ = -1484.19 {_pointz[4]}117@ = 23.23 {_speed[4]}134@ = 100.0 {_type[4]}151@ = 3 {_pointx[5]}84@ = 2212.02 {_pointy[5]}101@ = -1398.15 {_pointz[5]}118@ = 23.34 {_speed[5]}135@ = 100.0 {_type[5]}152@ = 3 {_pointx[6]}85@ = 2068.81 {_pointy[6]}102@ = -1278.58 {_pointz[6]}119@ = 23.34 {_speed[6]}136@ = 100.0 {_type[6]}153@ = 3 {_pointx[7]}86@ = 1792.85 {_pointy[7]}103@ = -1273.45 {_pointz[7]}120@ = 12.98 {_speed[7]}137@ = 100.0 {_type[7]}154@ = 3 {_pointx[8]}87@ = 1792.85 {_pointy[8]}104@ = -1273.45 {_pointz[8]}121@ = 12.98 {_speed[8]}138@ = 50.0 {_type[8]}155@ = 3 {_pointx[9]}88@ = 1715.13 {_pointy[9]}105@ = -1417.16 {_pointz[9]}122@ = 12.90 {_speed[9]}139@ = 100.0 {_type[9]}156@ = 3 {_carx[1]}55@ = 2457.08 {_cary[1]}60@ = -1656.42 {_carz[1]}65@ = 13.30 {_angle[1]}70@ = 90.0 {_paintjob[1]}75@ = 0 {_model[1]}40@ = #ELEGY {_components[1]}165@ = 7 {_component1[1]}174@ = #WG_L_A_L {_component2[1]}183@ = #EXH_C_L {_component3[1]}192@ = #RF_C_L {_component4[1]}201@ = #SPL_C_L_B {_component5[1]}210@ = #RBMP_C_L {_component6[1]}219@ = #FBMP_C_L {_component7[1]}228@ = #WG_L_C_L for _par = 1 to 1 {_model}39@[_par].Load end 06E9: request_car_component {_component1[1]}174@ 06E9: request_car_component {_component2[1]}183@ 06E9: request_car_component {_component3[1]}192@ 06E9: request_car_component {_component4[1]}201@ 06E9: request_car_component {_component5[1]}210@ 06E9: request_car_component {_component6[1]}219@ 06E9: request_car_component {_component7[1]}228@ wait 1000 ms :Lap_Example_111 wait 0 ms for _par = 1 to 1 {_model}39@[_par].Available jf @Lap_Example_111 end if and 06EA: car_component {_component1[1]}174@ available 06EA: car_component {_component2[1]}183@ available 06EA: car_component {_component3[1]}192@ available 06EA: car_component {_component4[1]}201@ available 06EA: car_component {_component5[1]}210@ available 06EA: car_component {_component6[1]}219@ available 06EA: car_component {_component7[1]}228@ available jf @Lap_Example_111 01EB: set_traffic_density_to 0.0 0395: clear_area 1 at {_carx[1]}55@ {_cary[1]}60@ {_carz[1]}65@ range 300.0 for _par = 1 to 1 {_car}17@[_par] = Car.Create({_model}39@[_par], {_carx}54@[_par], {_cary}59@[_par], {_carz}64@[_par]) Car.Angle({_car}17@[_par]) = {_angle}69@[_par] // Car.SetImmunities($car[$par], 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) 07EE: car {_car}17@[_par] enable_tire_marks 1 Car.DoorStatus({_car}17@[_par]) = 2 if {_components}164@[_par] >= 1 then 06E7: _cmpnent = add_car_component {_component1}173@[_par] to_car {_car}17@[_par] if {_components}164@[_par] >= 2 then 06E7: _cmpnent2 = add_car_component {_component2}182@[_par] to_car {_car}17@[_par] if {_components}164@[_par] >= 3 then 06E7: _cmpnent3 = add_car_component {_component3}191@[_par] to_car {_car}17@[_par] if {_components}164@[_par] >= 4 then 06E7: _cmpnent4 = add_car_component {_component4}200@[_par] to_car {_car}17@[_par] if {_components}164@[_par] >= 5 then 06E7: _cmpnent5 = add_car_component {_component5}209@[_par] to_car {_car}17@[_par] if {_components}164@[_par] >= 6 then 06E7: _cmpnent6 = add_car_component {_component6}218@[_par] to_car {_car}17@[_par] if {_components}164@[_par] >= 7 then 06E7: _cmpnent7 = add_car_component {_component7}227@[_par] to_car {_car}17@[_par] if {_components}164@[_par] >= 8 then 06E7: _cmpnent8 = add_car_component {_component8}236@[_par] to_car {_car}17@[_par] if {_components}164@[_par] >= 9 then 06E7: _cmpnent9 = add_car_component {_component9}245@[_par] to_car {_car}17@[_par] if {_components}164@[_par] >= 10 then 06E7: _cmpnent10 = add_car_component {_component10}254@[_par] to_car {_car}17@[_par] end end end end end end end end end end if {_paintjob}74@[_par] <> -1 then 06ED: set_car {_car}17@[_par] paintjob {_paintjob}74@[_par] end end 036A: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_vehicle {_car[1]}18@ 0407: create_coordinate _camx _camy _camz from_car {_car[1]}18@ offset 0.0 -23.7 14.1 Camera.SetPosition(_camx, _camy, _camz, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) Camera.OnVehicle({_car[1]}18@, 15, 1) Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = False 03BF: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR ignored_by_everyone_to 1 03F4: set_all_vehicles_apply_damage_rules 0 wait 2500 ms fade 1 (out) 1000 ms wait 1000 ms 00BA: text_styled 'RACES_4' 1100 ms 4 // 3 097A: at 0.0 0.0 0.0 play_sound 1056 wait 1100 ms 0407: create_coordinate _camx2 _camy2 _camz2 from_car {_car[1]}18@ offset 0.0 -13.7 7.1 Camera.SetPosition(_camx2, _camy2, _camz2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) Camera.OnVehicle({_car[1]}18@, 15, 1) 0460: set_camera_pointing_time 0.0 2000 00BA: text_styled 'RACES_5' 1100 ms 4 // 2 097A: at 0.0 0.0 0.0 play_sound 1056 wait 1100 ms 0407: create_coordinate _camx3 _camy3 _camz3 from_car {_car[1]}18@ offset 0.0 -6.7 3.1 Camera.SetPosition(_camx3, _camy3, _camz3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) Camera.OnVehicle({_car[1]}18@, 15, 1) 0460: set_camera_pointing_time 0.0 2000 00BA: text_styled 'RACES_6' 1100 ms 4 // 1 097A: at 0.0 0.0 0.0 play_sound 1056 wait 1100 ms 00BA: text_styled 'RACES_7' 800 ms 4 // GO! 097A: at 0.0 0.0 0.0 play_sound 1057 01BD: 11@ = current_time_in_ms Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True 03BF: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR ignored_by_everyone_to 0 03F4: set_all_vehicles_apply_damage_rules 1 01EB: set_traffic_density_to 0.0 Camera.SetBehindPlayer Camera.Restore //03C3: set_timer_with_text_to $time type 1 text 'TIMER' // TIME 14@ = car.Health(PLAYER_CAR)// for _kar = 1 to 9 _nar = _kar // integer values _nar += 1 // integer values 018A: _chekp = create_checkpoint_at {_pointx}79@[_kar] {_pointy}96@[_kar] {_pointz}113@[_kar] 0168: show_on_radar _chekp 4 if _kar == 9 // integer values then 1@ = 1 Marker.SetColor(_chekp, 0) end 06D5: _rchekp = create_racing_checkpoint_at {_pointx}79@[_kar] {_pointy}96@[_kar] {_pointz}113@[_kar] point_to {_pointx}79@[_nar] {_pointy}96@[_nar] {_pointz}113@[_nar] type 1@ radius 6.0 while 8100: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_point_in_vehicle {_pointx}79@[_kar] {_pointy}96@[_kar] {_pointz}113@[_kar] radius 12.0 12.0 12.0 sphere 0 // if // $time <= 0 // then // jump @Lap_Example_2497 // end gosub @drift// 03F0: toggle_text_draw 1// 033F: set_text_draw_letter_size 0.7 0.933// 0340: set_text_draw_RGBA 255 255 255 255// 0348: toggle_text_draw_proportional 1// 0349: set_text_draw_font 2// 060D: draw_text_shadow 1 color_RGBA 0 0 0 255// 045A: draw_text_1number 130.0 415.0 GXT 'NUMBER' number DRIFTING_ANGLE// 08DA: remove_panel 16@// 08D4: 16@ = create_panel_with_title 'DRIFT' position 29.0 30.0 width 35.0 columns 2 interactive 0 background 1 alignment 1// 09DB: set_panel 16@ column 0 width 120// 08DB: set_panel 16@ column 0 header 'DUMMY' data 'DRIFTHI' 'DRIFYOU' 'DUMMY' 'DRIFBON' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY'// 08DB: set_panel 16@ column 1 header 'DUMMY' data 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY'// 08EE: set_panel 16@ column 1 row 0 text_1number GXT 'NUMBER' number _hiscore// 08EE: set_panel 16@ column 1 row 1 text_1number GXT 'NUMBER' number _score// 08EE: set_panel 16@ column 1 row 3 text_1number GXT 'DRIFBNN' number BONUS// if TEMP_SCORE > 0// then// 033F: set_text_draw_letter_size 1.3 1.7// 0340: set_text_draw_RGBA 217 222 12 150// 0348: toggle_text_draw_proportional 1// 0349: set_text_draw_font 3// 060D: draw_text_shadow 0 color_RGBA 0 0 0 125// 0912: unknown_text_draw_flag 1 height 355 width 370// 0342: toggle_text_draw_centered 1// 045A: draw_text_1number 280.0 100.0 GXT 'NUMBER' number TEMP_SCORE// end// if and _pos = 1 // integer values not Actor.InCar($PLAYER_ACTOR, {_car[1]}18@) then jump @Lap_Example_2497 end if or Car.Wrecked({_car[1]}18@) 02BF: car {_car[1]}18@ sunk then jump @Lap_Example_2497 end // wait 0 ms end Marker.Disable(_chekp) 06D6: delete_racing_checkpoint _rchekp 097A: at 0.0 0.0 0.0 play_sound 1058 end jump @Lap_Example_2491 :Lap_Example_2491 gosub @Lap_Example_REMOVE if // $pos2 == 1 002c: _score >= _hiscore// then _DRIFT_MISSION_PASSED = 1// 0084: _hiscore = _score// _score = 0// 00BA: text_styled 'RACES18' 3000 ms 1 // Winner! wait 3000 ms 01E3: text_1number_styled 'M_PASS' 3000 4000 ms 1 // MISSION PASSED!~n~~w~$~1~ Player.Money($PLAYER_CHAR) += 3000 // 01BD: 12@ = current_time_in_ms // 0085: 13@ = 12@ // integer values and handles // 0062: 13@ -= 11@ // integer values // 13@ /= 1000.0 // floating-point values // 0085: 452@ = 13@ // integer values and handles // 452@ /= 60 // integer values // 0085: 36@ = 452@ // integer values and handles // 36@ *= 60 // integer values // 0085: 453@ = 13@ // integer values and handles // 0062: 453@ -= 36@ // integer values 0394: play_music 1 // 02FD: text_2numbers_lowpriority 'TIME' 452@ 453@ 8000 ms 1 // ~1~:~1~ else 01E3: text_1number_styled 'RACES_8' 200 5000 ms 1 // Loser! 0A92: create_custom_thread "DriftStarter.cs" // 01BD: 12@ = current_time_in_ms // 0085: 13@ = 12@ // integer values and handles // 0062: 13@ -= 11@ // integer values // 13@ /= 1000.0 // floating-point values // 0085: 452@ = 13@ // integer values and handles // 452@ /= 60 // integer values // 0085: 36@ = 452@ // integer values and handles // 36@ *= 60 // integer values // 0085: 453@ = 13@ // integer values and handles // 0062: 453@ -= 36@ // integer values // 02FD: text_2numbers_lowpriority 'TIME' 452@ 453@ 8000 ms 1 // ~1~:~1~ end 0318: set_latest_mission_passed_to 'RACES_0' Player.ClearWantedLevel($PLAYER_CHAR) 0A92: create_custom_thread "DriftStarter.cs" gosub @Lap_Example_38 return :Lap_Example_2497 gosub @Lap_Example_REMOVE 00BA: text_styled 'RACES_8' 5000 ms 1 // Loser! 0A92: create_custom_thread "DriftStarter.cs" return :Lap_Example_REMOVE 01EB: set_traffic_density_to 1.0 Car.DoorStatus({_car[1]}18@) = 0 for _par = 1 to 1 if {_car}17@[_par] <> -1 then Car.SetImmunities({_car}17@[_par], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) Model.Destroy({_model}39@[_par]) Car.RemoveReferences({_car}17@[_par]) if _par <> 1 then Marker.Disable({_mark}49@[_par]) Actor.RemoveReferences({_act}44@[_par]) end end end 06EB: release_car_component {_component1[1]}174@ 06EB: release_car_component {_component2[1]}183@ 06EB: release_car_component {_component3[1]}192@ 06EB: release_car_component {_component4[1]}201@ 06EB: release_car_component {_component5[1]}210@ 06EB: release_car_component {_component6[1]}219@ 06EB: release_car_component {_component7[1]}228@ Marker.Disable(_chekp) 06D6: delete_racing_checkpoint _rchekp 03F0: toggle_text_draw 0 014F: delete_timer _time 01B7: release_weather 00BE: text_clear_all// _score += TEMP_SCORE// 08DA: remove_panel 16@// return :Lap_Example_2762 $ONMISSION = 0 // integer values mission_cleanup return {Все последующие строки - мой код. Их тоже необходимо вставлять в файл.} :drift //wait 0 11@ = TEMP_SCORE gosub @drifted if TEMP_SCORE > 11@ then 12@ = 0 13@ = 0 else if 12@ == 0 then 01BD: 12@ = current_time_in_ms end if 13@ <= 2000 then 01BD: 13@ = current_time_in_ms 13@ -= 12@ else _score += TEMP_SCORE TEMP_SCORE = 0 12@ = 0 13@ = 0 end end CAR_HEALTH = car.Health(PLAYER_CAR) if CAR_HEALTH < 14@ then TEMP_SCORE = 0 12@ = 0 13@ = 0 14@ = CAR_HEALTH //0A30: repair_car PLAYER_CAR //раскомментируйте эти строки, если необходимо установить на авто иммунитеты // //14@ = car.Health(PLAYER_CAR) // 00BE: text_clear_all wait 2000 end return :drifted car.StorePos(PLAYER_CAR,1@,2@,3@) wait 0 car.StorePos(PLAYER_CAR,3@,4@,5@) 3@ -= 1@ 4@ -= 2@ 02F8: get_car PLAYER_CAR Z_angle_cosine_to 5@ 02F9: get_car PLAYER_CAR Z_angle_sine_to 6@ 05A4: get_angle_between_vectors_origin_to 5@ 6@ and_origin_to 3@ 4@ store_to 5@ 0087: DRIFTING_ANGLE = 5@ 0092: DRIFTING_ANGLE = float DRIFTING_ANGLE to_integer 02E3: CAR_SPEED = car PLAYER_CAR speed if and CAR_SPEED >= SPEED_LIMIT 81F4: not car PLAYER_CAR flipped 8119: not car PLAYER_CAR wrecked 82BF: not car PLAYER_CAR sunk 81F3: not car PLAYER_CAR in_air then BONUS = 1 if CAR_SPEED >= 19.0 then BONUS = 2 end if CAR_SPEED >= 31.0 then BONUS = 3 end if CAR_SPEED >= 46.0 then BONUS = 4 end if CAR_SPEED >= 63.0 then BONUS = 5 end if and TEMP_SCORE >=50 TEMP_SCORE <150 then BONUS *= 2 end if and TEMP_SCORE >=150 TEMP_SCORE <500 then BONUS *= 3 end if and TEMP_SCORE >=500 TEMP_SCORE <1000 then BONUS *= 4 end if TEMP_SCORE >=1000 then BONUS *= 5 end if and 5@ >= DRIFT_ANGLE 5@ <= 90.0 then inc(TEMP_SCORE,BONUS) end end return
{$CLEO} const _Lap_Example_XCoord = 0@ _Lap_Example_YCoord = 1@ _Lap_Example_ZCoord = 2@ _Lap_Example_Marker = 3@ _11192 = 4@ _DRIFT_MISSION_PASSED = 5@ _hiscore = 6@ end :Lap_Example _Lap_Example_XCoord = 2480.55 _Lap_Example_YCoord = -1666.06 _Lap_Example_ZCoord = 13.34 _Lap_Example_Marker = Marker.CreateIconAndSphere(53, _Lap_Example_XCoord, _Lap_Example_YCoord, _Lap_Example_ZCoord) :Lap_Example_1349 wait 25 ms Player.Defined($PLAYER_CHAR) jf @Lap_Example_1349 0101: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR stopped_near_point _Lap_Example_XCoord _Lap_Example_YCoord _Lap_Example_ZCoord radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 sphere 0 jf @Lap_Example_1349 Player.Controllable($PLAYER_CHAR) jf @Lap_Example_1349 $ONMISSION == 0 // integer values jf @Lap_Example_1349 Marker.Disable(_11192) 054C: use_GXT_table 'RACETOR' 00BA: text_styled 'RACES_0' 1500 ms 2 0169: set_fade_color 0 0 0 fade 0 (in) 2500 ms :Lap_Example_1492 wait 0 ms not fading jf @Lap_Example_1492 Marker.Disable(_11192) 00BE: text_clear_all 03E6: remove_text_box if _DRIFT_MISSION_PASSED == 0// then _hiscore = 150// Начальное кол-во очков, необходимых для победы // end// 0A94: start_custom_mission "DriftMission" 0A93: end_custom_thread
А главное, всё работает! Миссия запускается, проходится. Правда, не сохраняется максимальные очки, но это решается вставкой пары строк (opcs [c]0AB3[/c] и [c]0AB4[/c]).
Last edited by VcSaJen (22-01-2011 10:05)
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