#1 Re: GTA Modding » Question to the Usage of '0ADF: add_dynamic_GXT_entry' » 09-01-2012 17:09


Yeah, I already got that hint.

If somebody is intressted in a solution, check out the post of Silent in this thread:
http://gtag.gtagaming.com/forums/index. … wtopic=612

#2 GTA Modding » Question to the Usage of '0ADF: add_dynamic_GXT_entry' » 07-01-2012 17:39

Replies: 2

if I use this:

0004: $INDEX = 0
06D1: v$GXT_NAME[0] = "BLUBGXT"
0ADF: add_dynamic_GXT_entry $GXT_NAME($INDEX,50v) text "This is my great new GXT entry, it is just awesome."

It works fine.

But if I use this:

0004: $INDEX = 0
06D1: v$GXT_NAME[0] = "BLUBGXT"
06D1: v$GXT_CONTENT[0] = "This is my great new GXT entry, it is just awesome."
0ADF: add_dynamic_GXT_entry $GXT_NAME($INDEX,50v) text $GXT_CONTENT($INDEX,50v)

The text appears clipped ingame.

Any idea? Maybe wrong usage of the data type?

#3 Re: GTA Modding » CLEO 4. Questions and bug reports. » 09-08-2011 17:12

Deji wrote:

Question: Is CLEO still being worked on or should we lose faith? There's been no updates in months and the bug reports are only stacking up. I've tried to keep a posotive look towards the future of CLEO 4 but at the moment a future for it appears inexistant.

Would be intressting to know.

I have antoher "bug".
If you play a mp3, and instantly minimize the game (go not to menue before), the mp3 keeps playing. Is it possible to freeze the mp3, like the rest of game?

#4 Re: GTA Modding » Problem with 0A9A open file » 04-10-2010 22:28

SilentPL wrote:

Edit: You've selected 'As is' case converting in SB option? 'cos I've had the same problem when my case converting was set to 'uppercase' - "AT+" =/= "at+"

Thanks man, that solved my problemgood.gif

#5 GTA Modding » Problem with 0A9A open file » 03-10-2010 18:02

Replies: 3

I can wirte informations to file with this:

0001: wait 0 ms 
068D: get_camera_position_to $CAM_POS_X $CAM_POS_Y $CAM_POS_Z
068E: get_camera_target_point_to $CAM_TARGET_X $CAM_TARGET_Y $CAM_TARGET_Z
00D6: if 0
0AB0:  key_pressed 88
004D: jump_if_false @01
00D6: if 0
0256:   player $PLAYER_CHAR defined
004D: jump_if_false @01
00D6: if 0
0A9A:   $hFILE = openfile "cam.ini" mode 0x77 // IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @01
0AD9: write_formatted_text "Camera Position: %g %g %g Camera Target: %g %g %g" in_file $hFile $CAM_POS_X $CAM_POS_Y $CAM_POS_Z $CAM_TARGET_X $CAM_TARGET_Y $CAM_TARGET_Z
0A9B: closefile $hFILE
0002: jump @01

That works fine, but if I try to append the informations to the file my game crashes, I use this code:

0001: wait 0 ms 
068D: get_camera_position_to $CAM_POS_X $CAM_POS_Y $CAM_POS_Z
068E: get_camera_target_point_to $CAM_TARGET_X $CAM_TARGET_Y $CAM_TARGET_Z
00D6: if 0
0AB0:  key_pressed 88
004D: jump_if_false @01
00D6: if 0
0256:   player $PLAYER_CHAR defined
004D: jump_if_false @01
00D6: if 0
0A9A:   $hFILE = openfile "cam.ini" mode "at+" // IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @01
0AD9: write_formatted_text "Camera Position: %g %g %g Camera Target: %g %g %g" in_file $hFile $CAM_POS_X $CAM_POS_Y $CAM_POS_Z $CAM_TARGET_X $CAM_TARGET_Y $CAM_TARGET_Z
0A9B: closefile $hFILE
0002: jump @01

#6 Re: GTA Modding » Change IPL object position, by memory hacking » 23-08-2010 16:05


Thanks man, that solved my problem;-)

don't know but it's possible to change the model of some ipls with opcode 03B6:

What means of some IPLs, how can I check to wich IPL its possible?

#7 GTA Modding » Change IPL object position, by memory hacking » 22-08-2010 15:59

Replies: 3

is it possible to change the position of an IPL mapped object through changing its memory adresses ingame? Similar we can do it for the handling.cfg.

#8 Re: GTA Modding » CLEO 4. Questions and bug reports. » 10-08-2010 16:08


I found a (compatibility?) bug in CLEO4. I created a little test script for getting weapon informations form the memory, with CLEO3 it works correctly, look here:

But with CLEO4 it shows wrong data:

Is that a bug in CLEO4? Or what is the reason for this? I used the same script for CLEO3 and CLEO4.

Here is the test-code:

{$CLEO .cs}

03A4: name_thread "WEPINFO" 
0001: wait 2000 ms 
03F0: enable_text_draw 1 
048F: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR remove_weapons 
0001: wait 2000 ms 
0004: $CPED = 0xB6F5F0 
0A8D: $CPEDPOOL = read_memory $CPED size 8 virtual_protect 1 

0001: wait 0 ms 
0A8D: $CURRENTWEAPONSLOTPOOL = read_memory $CURRENTWEAPONSLOT size 1 virtual_protect 1 
0008: $AMMOINCLIP += 0x5A0 
0058: $AMMOINCLIP += $CPEDPOOL // (int) 
0A8D: $AMMOINCLIPPOOL = read_memory $AMMOINCLIP size 1 virtual_protect 1 
0008: $AMMOREMAINING += 0x5A0 
0058: $AMMOREMAINING += $CPEDPOOL // (int) 
0A8D: $AMMOREMAININGPOOL = read_memory $AMMOREMAINING size 1 virtual_protect 1 
0084: $TYPE = $SLOTPOOLPOSITION // (int) 
0008: $TYPE += 0x5A0 
0058: $TYPE += $CPEDPOOL // (int) 
0A8D: $TYPEPOOL = read_memory $TYPE size 2 virtual_protect 1 
045A: draw_text_1number 10.0 10.0 GXT 'NUMBER' number $CURRENTWEAPONSLOTPOOL  // ~1~
045A: draw_text_1number 10.0 20.0 GXT 'NUMBER' number $AMMOREMAININGPOOL  // ~1~
045A: draw_text_1number 10.0 30.0 GXT 'NUMBER' number $AMMOINCLIPPOOL  // ~1~
045A: draw_text_1number 10.0 40.0 GXT 'NUMBER' number $TYPEPOOL  // ~1~
0002: jump @WEPINFO

#9 Re: GTA Modding » CLEO 4. Questions and bug reports. » 08-05-2010 20:51

Sw[ee]t wrote:

I have a answer,
what for this opcode needs?
It such like just disable radio. About that must be a memory address...

Deji wrote:
ATP wrote:

I have a question,
would it be possible to create an OpCode like that?

XXXX: make_radio_stations_scrollable 0

This can easily be done by using the function instead. Furthermore, it can even be done by using other opcodes.

Yes, I found another way to do it. If somebody is intressted, check my 3rd post in this thread: http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?act=ST&f=49&t=445929

would it be possilbe to create an OpCode like this?
XXXX: make_3d_coordinate $X $Y $Z to_2d_screen_coordinate 0@ 1@

#10 GTA Modding » Draw texts above actors like in SA-MP? » 06-05-2010 16:58

Replies: 0

is it posible to create texts above actors like we know it from SA-MP in Single-Player? Like here for example:

Greetings, ATP

#11 Re: GTA Modding » CLEO 4. Questions and bug reports. » 17-04-2010 14:00


I have a question,
would it be possible to create an OpCode like that?

XXXX: make_radio_stations_scrollable 0

#12 Re: GTA Modding » How can I read car ID from Memory? » 22-07-2009 13:54


I have another question, is it possible to use that car like a car that is created by SCM? I mean, how can I get that car to a variable?

#13 Re: GTA Modding » How can I read car ID from Memory? » 17-07-2009 09:29


Ok thanks, that works.
I tried to read out the XYZ Position, but I always get 0, any idea why?
here is my test to get X:

0A8D: 3@  = read_memory 0xB74494 size 4 virtual_protect 0 // read ptr
0A8D: 3@  = read_memory 3@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 // get the 1st vehicle address
3@ += 20
0A8D: 4@  = read_memory 3@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 // read Matrix ptr
4@ += 48
0A8D: 5@  = read_memory 4@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 // get X
0092: 6@ = float 5@ to_integer 
045A: draw_text_1number 50.0 40.0 GXT 'number' number 6@

#14 GTA Modding » How can I read car ID from Memory? » 15-07-2009 20:47

Replies: 5

Hey, How can I read out a Car ID from the Memory?

I tried it in that way:

0@ = 0xB74494 
0A8D: 1@  = read_memory 0@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
1@ += 34
0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 2 virtual_protect 0
045A: draw_text_1number 50.0 30.0 GXT 'number' number 2@

I want to read the CarId of the first car in th Pool. But I get "134", and that is no CarID...

I took the adresses from here:
http://www.gtamodding.com/index.php?tit … SA%29#Cars

#15 GTA Modding » Creating highpriority text without using gxt or fxt? » 07-07-2009 22:17

Replies: 1

I use this to create to create a TextBox without using a fxt or gxt entry:

$TEXT -= @TextInstruction
gosub @TEXT_SHOW

0A9F: $TEXT = current_thread_pointer 
000A: $TEXT += 16 
0A8D: $TEXT = read_memory $TEXT size 4 virtual_protect 0 
0051: return 

00D6: if 
0AA9:   is_game_version_original 
004D: jump_if_false @TEXT_SHOW_1 
0AA5: call 5802976 4 pop 4 0 0 0 $TEXT
0051: return

0AA5: call 5804976 4 pop 4 0 0 0 $TEXT 
0051: return

"Use_LEFT,_RIGHT,~n~DOWN_and_UP~n~to_select"  00

Is it possible to create a highpriority text without using a fxt or gxt entry?

regards, ATP

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