#1 Re: GTA Modding » Sanny Builder / CLEO discussion » 18-03-2014 22:04

ZAZ wrote:

ok, works now, thanks
does adding extra info normally make sense by cleo scripts?

It makes sense if you want to decompile a CLEO script in editor that's meant to decompile main.scm only - old SCM editors.

They can decompile only main.scm, not just a bunch of opcodes from CLEO struct. These old editors need to read structure of main.scm.

#2 Re: GTA Modding » CLEO VC 05F6: ret 0 opcode crashes » 31-12-2011 11:43

Replace to

05F5=-1,call_scm_func %1p%

in Sanny Builder\vc\VICESCM.INI

Then compile your project again, it will work.

#3 Re: GTA Modding » Can someone please make this compatible with CLEO 3 and compact.exe? » 29-12-2011 19:49

Midnightz wrote:

Oh, I was SO excited to see this, thanks!  But unfortunately, it's not working for me.  When I type the keys, nothing happens and no text file is generated. 

I tried to decompile your TestCheat_CPad__DoCheats_mark_hasKeyBeenPressed.cs file but Sanny tells me there's unknown opcodes.  I am using the last release of Sanny Builder and SASCM.INI along with the last release of CLEO3.

That said, I noticed your script doesn't support the popular compact.exe that was created and shared by listener. See: Download and Topic  I figured your v2.0 release may not work with this one's memory addresses but I was expecting your textual error at least. 

If you can fix this, I would be most grateful - THANK YOU and Happy Holidays!  smile

Download In-game Timecyc editor to get the source of TestCheat_CPad__DoCheats_mark_hasKeyBeenPressed

As stated

Make sure you are using one of the following gta_sa.exe versions:
	1.	GTA San Andreas v1.0 [US] HOODLUM No-CD Fixed EXE:
	EXE size: 14 383 616 bytes
	2.	GTA: San Andreas v1.01 [EURO] No-CD/Fixed EXE:
	EXE size: 15 806 464 bytes

Currently it is not working on gta_sa_compact.exe
I will make it working it this exe soon.

#6 Re: GTA Modding » CLEO 4. Questions and bug reports. » 20-05-2011 12:12

0A99 opcode works only for CLEO file opcodes like 0A9A=3,%3d% = openfile %1s% mode %2d% ; IF and SET
it works probably for INI opcodes.
It is not for GTA SA standard texture opcodes.

0390: load_txd_dictionary 'LD_BEAT'

Texture dictionary LD_BEAT.txd must exist in models\txd

#7 GTA Modding » CLEO VC 05F6: ret 0 opcode crashes » 19-05-2011 13:32

Replies: 3

My no-cd gta-vc.exe MD5 checksum: 167a5c8b31b3e0dbefa033ca24453d4e

0000: NOP

wait 0
05EE:  key_pressed 48  // press 0
else_jump @error
05F5: call_scm_func @function params_count 0 
jump @error

16@ = 0
    while 16@ < 5000 
    wait 0
    01E5: show_text_1number_highpriority GXT 'NUMBER' number 16@ time 5000 flag 1  // ~s~You need $~1~ to compete.
05F6: ret 0

Game works until 05F6 is executed. Everything is written well in sample script, CLEO opcode causes problem.

#8 Re: GTA Modding » CLEO 4. Questions and bug reports. » 14-05-2011 17:52

Another annoying bug in CLEO4 (probably in CLEO3 too).

There is set of bytes in script below which could be used to store data.
31@ contains proper move between 0@ from current thread and script content, label @AdditionalVariables in memory.
It works perfectly, reading/writing 4-byte data to this array using standard GTA SA opcodes.

0@(31@,1i) = 0x90807060      // It is GTA SA standard opcode, it doesn`t crash, works

And value appears on memory adress of @AdditionalVariables.
But trying to WRITE (not read) in CLEO to this array ends with a crash:

0AD2: 0@(31@,1i) = player $PLAYER_CHAR targeted_actor //IF and SET          // It crashes, CLEO writing function is buggy and works for 0@ to 33@ in thread only, i think


0A8E: 0@(31@,1i) = 3 + 2 // int

There were only 2 examples, writing function in CLEO4 is broken. I hope it will get fixed.

0662: NOP "Crash when opcode created using CLEO is trying to write into an array which points to somewhere else than 0 - 33 local var"
0662: NOP "Array index is good, problem is CLEO writing function"
0662: NOP "It is out of thread 224 bytes and in CLEO it crashes :("

0AB1: call_scm_func @getAdditionall_4byte_VariablesLabelIndex 1 label @AddtionalVariables store_index_to 31@

wait 0
0AB0: key_pressed 48
else_jump @CLEO_SDK
0AC6: 1@ = label @AddtionalVariables offset

// 0@(31@,1i) = 0x90807060      // It is GTA SA standard opcode, it doesn`t crash, works

0AD2: 0@(31@,1i) = player $PLAYER_CHAR targeted_actor //IF and SET          // It crashes, CLEO writing function is buggy and works for 0@ to 33@ in thread only, i think

// 0AD2: 2@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR targeted_actor //IF and SET   // It works, but it is not an array out of thread.

0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "Crashed, no 0AD1 executed. value: %X close memory offset of value: %X" time 2000 0@(31@,1i) 1@ 
wait 250
jump @CLEO_SDK 

hex                                                                                        0
00 00 00 00  // space
00 00 00 00  // 0@
00 00 00 00  // 1@

    Reads given number of chars from memory and returns into variable.
 Type: SET 
    0@ - label
     4@ - index, movement
  0AB1: call_scm_func @getAdditionall_4byte_VariablesLabelIndex 1 label @AddtionalVariables store_index_to 31@
   00 00 00 00  // space
   00 00 00 00  // 0@
   00 00 00 00  // 1@
   Usage in code:
   0@(31@,1i); 1@(31@,1i) and so on
0A9F: 2@ = current_thread_pointer
2@ += 60

0AC6: 3@ = label 0@ offset

0A8F: 4@ = 3@ - 2@ // int

4@ /= 4
4@ += 1

0AB2: ret 1 4@

#9 Re: GTA Modding » CLEO 4. Questions and bug reports. » 01-04-2011 19:31

0AC9: free_allocated_memory 0@

It shouldn`t damage GXT entry, it does. Why freeing allocated memory to which GXT entry was received should damage GXT entry, it is strange.

#10 Re: GTA Modding » CLEO 4. Questions and bug reports. » 26-03-2011 12:22

Thanks Alien, it works.

Now bug with 0ADE opcode and 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size   opcode
Somehow after reading GXT content of specified entry  to the pointer of allocated variable,  then i do free_allocated_memory, this GXT entry gets damaged.


Don`t forget to create  test.fxt with such a content:
0000: "It`s a bug"
wait 0
00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT 'BOATS' time 1000 flag 1
0AB0: key_pressed 48    // 0
jf @TEST
0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 260
0ADE: 0@ = text_by_GXT_entry 'BOATS'
0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "test: %s" time 3000 0@
0AC9: free_allocated_memory 0@
wait 3000
jump @TEST

Create  test.fxt with such a content:
Run the game with this script.  Boats will be displayed. Well.  Now press 0 and BOATS entry gets damaged.

This problem is related to free_allocated_memory and 0ADE opcode. If i read to  entry to normal memory adress (e.g sample label data in memory), problem doesn`t appear. Strange.

#11 Re: GTA Modding » CLEO 4. Questions and bug reports. » 19-03-2011 11:22

I found major bug in 0AD1 opcode. Bug might exist in other opcodes, i didn`t test them anyway.

This opcode can`t handle an array. Example here:

0662: "0AD1 bug"

wait 0
0AB0: key_pressed 48        // 0
else_jump @test
5@ = 6      // index of array
12@ = 777   // variable to read
0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "number: %d" time 2000  6@(5@, 1i)    // should be displayed 12@ value here, but crash
jump @test

6@(5@, 1i) -    6@ + value from 5@  =  12@ to read. But crashes.

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