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I tryed this 4 time ,don't's a problem with cleo.asi
Please help
Are you using the american version 1.0...? That works finely, I guess...
Yes,use the american 1.0 but the cleo 4 don't work,cleo 3 work very fine and good
Help! I've got d3d9.dll and gxthook.cleo AND bassenc.dll 2.4.7 but my game still crashes on startup. WHY??
hmm, guess I'll have a crack at CLEO 3 too
nope that didn't work either :'-(
@Alien, I just wont to give u some info. So I will be able to use the next Cleo 4 release (if there will be one).
Yes, Im greedy. But I've got the same problem as Krisz.. and some others. so im not satisfied...
[q]Asi loader error
Error loading plugin CLEO.asi[/q]
So you have corrupted cleo.asi. Redownload it and reinstall. Should help...
I dont really think so.
I've redownloaded "CLEO 4 Library (v4.1.1.30)" several times too.
At different dates within 2 or 3 months (or something). last time today.
But I will try to redownload it again on other computers. maybe my iNet connection is too crappy.
I've tryed it on both, modded and clean GTA:SA v1.0 English.
Automatic installation (Installer) and Manual installation (extracted with 7zip).
With and without Win2k Compatibility-Mode (helped me to use gta_sa_compact.exe).
gta_sa.exe v 1.0 US HDLM (14.383.616 Bytes)
Its still not working for me..
My system (yeah, pretty old..)
- WinXP Pro SP3 (German)
- AMD AthlonXP 2600+ (~1.9 GHz)
- 1GB RAM (333MHz)
- ATI Radeon 9550 (128 MB)
- SoundMAX Digital Audio (Internal)
By the way, Cleo works for me.
And I need it for plugins that are using mp3's. Cleo 3 always crashes GTA on my system when
trying to play mp3's (yes, i already know: buggy audio/soundcard support or something like that).
However, i hope this helps (me/us).
@Anybody having the same problem, check if something matches your setup or specs, please.
If so, reply. This error might just be OS language related or some other tiny bullshlt... i hope.
So you have corrupted cleo.asi. Redownload it and reinstall. Should help...
I dont really think so.
I've redownloaded "CLEO 4 Library (v4.1.1.30)" several times too.
At different dates within 2 or 3 months (or something). last time today.
But I will try to redownload it again on other computers. maybe my iNet connection is too crappy.
OK, my diagnosis wrong. Even if the downloaded file has been corrupted, at unpacking checksum spent - it would fail. Try this build:
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Last edited by Alien (20-02-2011 08:30)
Please help to work cleo 4
Does CLEO works with GTA United modification?
So you have corrupted cleo.asi. Redownload it and reinstall. Should help...
I dont really think so.
I've redownloaded "CLEO 4 Library (v4.1.1.30)" several times too.
At different dates within 2 or 3 months (or something). last time today.
But I will try to redownload it again on other computers. maybe my iNet connection is too crappy.OK, my diagnosis wrong. Even if the downloaded file has been corrupted, at unpacking checksum spent - it would fail. Try this build:
Thank you Alien Now cleo 4 it's work !
Thanks Alien!
"Cleo v4.1.1.30F" works for me too.
I found major bug in 0AD1 opcode. Bug might exist in other opcodes, i didn`t test them anyway.
This opcode can`t handle an array. Example here:
{$CLEO} 0662: "0AD1 bug" :test wait 0 if 0AB0: key_pressed 48 // 0 else_jump @test 5@ = 6 // index of array 12@ = 777 // variable to read 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "number: %d" time 2000 6@(5@, 1i) // should be displayed 12@ value here, but crash jump @test
6@(5@, 1i) - 6@ + value from 5@ = 12@ to read. But crashes.
Last edited by fastman92 (19-03-2011 11:22)
Remove space in this notation: 6@(5@, 1i). Otherwise Sanny Builder handle with this as with 2 separate variables: 6@ and 5@ (or may be not, but output file size is 7 bytes lesser).
Last edited by Alien (20-03-2011 06:26)
um if anyone can help me i need help i cant get past the installation the document part wtf do i do and help please
Thanks Alien, it works.
Now bug with 0ADE opcode and 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size opcode
Somehow after reading GXT content of specified entry to the pointer of allocated variable, then i do free_allocated_memory, this GXT entry gets damaged.
{ Don`t forget to create test.fxt with such a content: BOATS Boats } {$CLEO} 0000: "It`s a bug" :TEST wait 0 00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT 'BOATS' time 1000 flag 1 if 0AB0: key_pressed 48 // 0 jf @TEST 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 260 0ADE: 0@ = text_by_GXT_entry 'BOATS' 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "test: %s" time 3000 0@ 0AC9: free_allocated_memory 0@ wait 3000 jump @TEST
Create test.fxt with such a content:
Run the game with this script. Boats will be displayed. Well. Now press 0 and BOATS entry gets damaged.
This problem is related to free_allocated_memory and 0ADE opcode. If i read to entry to normal memory adress (e.g sample label data in memory), problem doesn`t appear. Strange.
{$CLEO} 0000: :TEST wait 0 00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT 'BOATS' time 1000 flag 1 0AB0: key_pressed 48 // 0 jf @TEST 0ADE: 0@ = text_by_GXT_entry 'BOATS' 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "test: %s" time 3000 0@ wait 3000 jump @TEST
0AC9: free_allocated_memory 0@
It shouldn`t damage GXT entry, it does. Why freeing allocated memory to which GXT entry was received should damage GXT entry, it is strange.
Last edited by fastman92 (01-04-2011 19:32)
can someone plz help me when i install cleo 4 library then a pop up comes saying this file cannot be dont i ignore then it says download 100% but when i put something in cleo 4 then the game crashed plz help
0AC9: free_allocated_memory 0@It shouldn`t damage GXT entry, it does. Why freeing allocated memory to which GXT entry was received should damage GXT entry, it is strange.
You don't need allocated memory. Use 0ADE like I showed in the example, on it's own.
can someone help me whenever i install Cleo 4 in gta San Andreas at the start the CD plays but it crashes always after the CD plays plz help me
Hi have a poblem with the following code.
{$CLEO .cs} thread 'fff' wait 0 8@ = 5 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "Number: %d" time 8000 8@ 0A93: end_custom_thread
In game:
Why it?
I'm sure the number should appear, but it no appear...
what's wrong?
Sorry for my bad english...
and when I try to use %s
{$CLEO .cs} thread 'fff' wait 0 8@v = "5" 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "Number: %s" time 8000 8@v 0A93: end_custom_thread
The game crashs.
Fixed, Thanks